Expert Health and Wellness Tips for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit A Healthy Life, Well Styled Tue, 06 Feb 2024 21:39:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Expert Health and Wellness Tips for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit 32 32 Skip the Small Talk—50 Questions That’ll Transform Your Date Night Wed, 07 Feb 2024 11:30:00 +0000 Things are heating up.

The post Skip the Small Talk—50 Questions That’ll Transform Your Date Night appeared first on Camille Styles.

Over the years, I’ve found that a laid-back but romantic dinner at home—as opposed to a night out—is much more desirable. Sure, the novelty of a restaurant meal is something to be savored, but I love the comfort and intimacy of a date night chez moi. Where to begin? Set the mood by dimming the lights, putting a favorite record on, and prepping a mouthwatering meal to roast in the oven. After that? Prepare for presence. To make any night with your partner more meaningful, I’ve curated a list of 50 questions for intimacy that will help guide your conversation to a deeper place.

While the ambiance is key to an intimate evening at home, without enticing conversation, even the most beautiful setting can fall flat. So let go of the stress of the day and come to the table with intentional, intimate questions to ask your partner.

Couple asking questions for intimacy.

50 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Partner

Here’s an important PSA to keep in mind: dating your partner can be more than an overpriced dinner or bouquet. With the right mindset, intention, and questions, setting aside these special moments can deepen your love and bring a renewed perspective to your relationship.

Similar to the famed “36 Questions to Fall in Love”, these 50 questions for intimacy have been broken up into five sets, with each subsequent set of questions becoming more intimate. Start from the beginning and go (and grow!) from there. May the conversations these questions inspire bring you to exciting places with your loved one. Because however you decide to spend your Friday evening, connection should be at the heart of your time together.

Couple chatting intimiately.

Questions for Intimacy: Level 1

  1. Would you like to be famous? What would you want to be famous for?
  2. What does the perfect day look like to you? How would you spend it?
  3. What song always makes you think of me?
  4. If we could travel anywhere right now, where would you choose and why?
  5. What movie do you think would reflect our relationship?
  6. If you didn’t have to work, what would you do with your life?
  7. How do you feel our careers affect our relationship?
  8. What thing/object/activity always brings you joy?
  9. Describe what love looks and feels like to you.
  10. What are three qualities about me that you were first attracted to?
Camilla Marcus and Camille Styles

Questions for Intimacy: Level 2

  1. How do you feel is the best way to confront a problem?
  2. How do you like to show love?
  3. How do you like to be shown love?
  4. What country do you think is the most romantic?
  5. What do you remember from when we were falling in love?
  6. When have you felt the most proud of me?
  7. Out of the five senses, which is the most sensual to you?
  8. What is my sexiest feature?
  9. Is there anything you’re afraid to accomplish that I can help you with?
  10. What makes our relationship strong?
Founders of Wonder Valley olive oil.

Questions for Intimacy: Level 3

  1. What makes you feel the most loved?
  2. Share a time you felt embarrassed.
  3. If we met again for the first time, but with all the knowledge of our relationship up to now, what would you want to say to me?
  4. What would your younger self think of our relationship?
  5. What is the best way I can make you feel loved?
  6. What’s a question you’ve always wanted to ask me but never have?
  7. If you could relive one day together, which would it be?
  8. What’s your favorite memory of us?
  9. Is our relationship physical enough for you? What would make it better in your eyes?
  10. What is the best part of our relationship?
Friends talking at party.

Questions for Intimacy: Level 4

  1. If you could, what would you have changed about your childhood?
  2. What is one thing that you’re afraid to tell anyone else?
  3. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Why?
  4. How and where do you like to be touched?
  5. Do you have any fantasies you would like fulfilled?
  6. What is the closest you’ve ever felt to me?
  7. Is there anything we haven’t tried that you’d like to?
  8. What difference do we have that makes us complementary?
  9. Share a time when our differences helped us understand each other.
  10. What aspect of our relationship do you feel would be important to teach others?
Woman petting cat.

Questions for Intimacy: Level 5

  1. What is your biggest regret?
  2. How and when did you know we’d make it as a couple?
  3. What is a fear we’ve never talked about?
  4. What do you feel is your biggest weakness? How can I support you with that?
  5. What was something your younger self lacked that you know or can do now?
  6. What have you learned about relationships from your parents?
  7. Can you describe a moment when you felt truly alive?
  8. What do you feel is the most important component of a family?
  9. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  10. Do you think it’s true that love is more than just a feeling?

The post Skip the Small Talk—50 Questions That’ll Transform Your Date Night appeared first on Camille Styles.

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27 Seriously Thoughtful Gifts Based on Your (And Your Partner’s) Love Language Tue, 06 Feb 2024 11:30:00 +0000 Accurate translation.

The post 27 Seriously Thoughtful Gifts Based on Your (And Your Partner’s) Love Language appeared first on Camille Styles.

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and it’s the perfect time to re-up your gift-giving strategy. But before you grab a plush bear with a heart-shaped pillow that says “u r cute” and call it a day, allow me to gently suggest you reconsider. (Unless, of course, you know in your bones that bear is the perfect gift for your person in which case, GO FORTH.)

A great gift-giver is almost always a great observer. You pick up on things and maybe even take notes—like how your BFF loves ice cream but the scoop she’s had since college is cracked. Or how your S.O. always talks about taking an improv class but doesn’t know where to start. Even if you haven’t filled up your notes app with little ideas and observations, it’s not too late. First things first: you need to learn their love language.

If you’re new to the concept, read through my love languages deep dive right here. High level: there are five love languages (aka, the way you give and receive love) and most people fall strongly into one category: quality time, gifts, words of affirmation, acts of service, and physical touch. Once you’ve determined your recipient’s language, consider the list below your guide to the best love language gifts.

Couple walking in Oaxaca.

The Best Gifts if Your Love Language Is Quality Time

When your love language is quality time, any gift that makes room for more of it is welcome. These gifts can lean toward experience gifts big or small—from weekend getaways to fun projects to be done together. Here are a few ideas we love.

Recycled Glass Petite Goblets, Set of 4

Is there anything better than sharing the beverage of your choice with your favorite person? Whether it’s vino or a mocktail (or carving out a morning coffee date), this perfectly imperfect set of goblets will help you romanticize any moment together.

The Couples Game

There are a lot of couple’s card deck games out there from the “getting to know you” to the “deep and meaningful” (and the more naughty options), but this one is just FUN. You won’t be in tears by the end unless, of course, you cry laughing.

The Adventure Box Subscription

If quality time is your partner’s love language then just about any gift from The Adventure Challenge is a home-run choice. But the thing about quality time is it requires regularity, which is why the subscription box is an excellent choice. It’s a date in a box delivered once a month and corresponds perfectly with the Couples Edition book. (We also love the mini date scratch-off cards if you’re looking for a meaningful one-off gift.)

Airbnb Gift Card

There is hardly a gift more luxurious to a quality timer than the gift of getting away with the person they love. Make a weekend trip even easier with a gift card to the city of their choice.

Piecework Pet Lovers Puzzle

Working a puzzle together is one of those things that just invites good conversation. With something to keep your hands busy and a shared goal, it has a similar effect as a long walk or a car ride. But with a puzzle, you have something tangible to show for those hours spent together. (And this one is so cute.)


Maybe it’s the mom in me, but babysitting is HIGH on the list of gifts when your love language is quality time. This is especially true for parents of little ones who are just tryingggg to get a handle on things. It’s hard to find a sitter to trust and when paired with the price of dinner and a movie, things get expensive fast. If you have a friend or loved one who could do with a night off, first offer to babysit and then get it on the calendar. It’s truly one of the sweetest gifts you can give.

Friends drinking cocktails in kitchen.

The Best Gifts if Your Love Language Is Gifts

Gifts for a gift lover—should be easy, right? The important thing to remember here is to make the gift personal and unique. If your love language is gifts, what truly matters to you is that someone gave you thought. So yes, it’s the thought that counts, but here are a few gifts that take it to the next level.

Sunday Edition Nude Candle

A gift that you wouldn’t buy for yourself but would use (and love) daily? Put this luxe candle in that category right now. These cult-favorite candles are gorgeous in their minimalist appeal and layer deeply nuanced scents throughout the entire (60-hour) burn. Nude is my favorite—aptly described as “the warmth of someone you love.” But I’ll happily amass an entire collection of these candles.

Liis Studied Eau de Parfum

Sometimes, you experience a piece of literature so transformative that you’re inspired to express it through your medium. Liis does that here, channeling the poetry of Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own and communicating the book’s spirit of independence in this fragrance. The luxurious scent features hints of pear, ambrette, carrot seed, and cashmere and it is HERE for the aesthetic bathroom counter.

Seasonal Gift Box

A lover of gifts is someone who appreciates the art of surprise. FabFitFun does exactly that with curated intention, crafting quarterly deliveries of beauty, skincare, fashion, and wellness gifts. You can select from different monetary amounts, giving you ample customizable options when it comes to giving the perfect gift.

Alexandra Cream Vegan Top Handle Bag

A new statement accessory is always appreciated this time of year and I love the feminine appeal of this cutie knotted bag. It’s small enough for a night out (but still holds the necessities) and is neutral but bold in shape for your outfit’s perfect finishing touch.

Corazon Glass Mug

This mug is perfectly on theme while being cute enough to reach for throughout the year. It’s the perfect companion gift to a loose-leaf tea, making it a bright spot in their everyday rituals and routines.

Woman writing letter love language gifts.

The Best Gifts if Your Love Language is Words of Affirmation

When your recipient’s love language is words of affirmation, it’s best to focus on gifts that make your feelings clear. Like, super clear. But no need to shout your love from the rooftops or buy a banner in the sky (actually, that’d be pretty cool). Here are a few ideas to show AND tell.

A Handwritten Letter

The concept of a love letter can feel vague and overwhelming—especially so if your love language is not words of affirmation. Instead, try this: make a list of 10 things you love about this person. Go into as much detail as you can but let the list structure be your framework. And don’t be surprised if that letter winds up in a frame one day.

Devotions by Mary Oliver

Widely read and loved, Mary Oliver’s poetry gives voice to the humble, very human experiences we all encounter. This is sure to stay on their nightstand and will be a gift they reach for every evening before going to bed.

The Moth by Mail Subscription: Ties that Bind

For the storytellers and lovers of stories among us, there’s no better show to listen to than The Moth. But whether they’re a devotee or not, your giftee is sure to fall in love with this six-month subscription of collectible letters. I’m picturing pinning these gorgeous paper moths above my desk, feeling connected to the beautiful stories they share.

A Personalized Playlist

There’s no gift like a classic mix tape. Music has a way of putting feeling to words and a playlist is something they can return to again and again. Choose songs that have been meaningful to your relationship or make it fun with new and unexpected finds. Try picking a song for every year you’ve been together or every season if your relationship is new. Done well, a playlist can tell a story—and I’m willing to bet yours is a good one.

Scrapbook Photo Album

Tell the story of your love chapter by chapter with Artifact Uprising’s seriously beautiful “The Stories We Tell” photo album. Filled with prompts and photo placement ideas, this is a book to be cherished.

Couple embracing.
Image by Belathée Photography

The Best Gifts if Your Love Language Is Acts of Service

And now we have arrived at this author’s love language. As a representative for the acts of service bunch, allow me to dispel a myth: it isn’t you doing the Thing that makes a service gift so great. Rather, it’s you doing the Thing knowing that you’re creating space for us to do something we enjoy much more than the Thing. Make sense?

Faux Fur Mule Slides

Crossing off the to-do’s on my list that I keep avoiding is nice. Handing me these cozy slippers while you do them is nicer. Bonus: As a hybrid mule-slide, I can take the comfort out of the house as well.

Public Goods Self-Care Kit

This affordable spa set offers permission to dive into some me time while you wash the trash can or call the insurance agency. Light the candle and run a warm bath—everything they need for a mini getaway is right there inside the box.

Meditation Pillow

I’m trying not to make this part of this list too personal, but Camille uses a meditation pillow for her morning journaling and I’ve had my eye on one ever since I saw hers. Any gift that allows an acts of service-er to indulge in some self-care is a great option. This pillow offers the perfect seat to jot down a to-do list post-meditation.

Rest & Revive Bundle

There are days when the lists run long and anxiety looms. Molly J makes some of the tastiest CBD gummies I’ve ever slowly devoured. Perfect for the times you can’t always lend a physical hand.

Click & Grow Smart Garden System

No more quick trips to the store when they need a green veg. This gift is an investment but for the foodie who feels loved when you do stuff for ’em, this is a WINNER.

Woman picking fruit outside.

The Best Gifts if Your Love Language is Physical Touch

I know what you’re thinking. And yes, that is a great option. But there is much more to physical touch than just the sexy stuff. It’s about pulling them in for a hug when you’re in a room full of people. Grabbing hands at the grocery store. Unexpected kisses. It’s hard to package as a gift, but if you can put yourself in a situation where touch is inevitable, you’re on the right track.

Foria Everyday Body Wash with Organic Botanicals

You have to wash your body, yes. But romanticizing your life is all about doing the most with our everyday practices, habits, and tasks. The fragrance-free formula blends jojoba, avocado, and olive oils, soothing chamomile, and skin-balancing probiotics for a functional—and truly luxurious—cleanse.

Book a Private Screening Room

…or head to the drive-in! Cuddle close, hold hands, and do all the (legal) things the 18-year-old you would do in a movie theater.

Celine Short Sleeve Short Set Hot Pink

Physical touch is a tactile language and this set is literally all the feels. It’s just as sexy as something a little more risqué, and she’s likely to wear it more often. That said, you can bet I’m stocking up on the brand’s lingerie, too.

Luxe Faux Fur Throw Blanket

Around here, we love a good blanket. Whether you’re reading, watching a show, or snuggling up with a cup of tea, an irresistibly soft blanket is a must. Gift the people what they want.

100% Washable Silk Robe

Cozy sleep vibes, all wrapped up. Guys deserve great PJs, too! This washable silk set is sustainable and cozy—the ultimate cuddle companion.

Go Roller Skating

And finally, go old-school ‘get physical’ with a fun date to the roller rink. Guaranteed you’ll hold hands (if not catch each other when you fall). Ask the DJ to play your song and get your couple skate on!

The post 27 Seriously Thoughtful Gifts Based on Your (And Your Partner’s) Love Language appeared first on Camille Styles.

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You Can Blame This Hormone for Your Mood Swings and Fatigue Tue, 06 Feb 2024 11:00:00 +0000 A Nutritionist spills the tea on testosterone.

The post You Can Blame This Hormone for Your Mood Swings and Fatigue appeared first on Camille Styles.

Cutting right to the chase: testosterone gets a bad rap. But in an era of paradigm shifts, now’s the moment to put misconceptions to bed. When you think of testosterone, what comes to mind? Burly men, chiseled jawlines, and gruff voices? Unfortunately, the list goes on. And, these stereotypes are only the tip of the iceberg. But behind the curtain lies a vital truth: testosterone isn’t exclusive to masculinity. In fact, this primary hormone plays a crucial role in everyone’s vitality. Time to flip the script—today, we’re rewriting the narrative that exists between testosterone and women.

Edie Horstman
Edie Horstman

Edie is the founder of nutrition coaching business, Wellness with Edie. With her background and expertise, she specializes in women’s health, including fertility, hormone balance, and postpartum wellness.

Breaking Stereotypes

Testosterone has long been tied to images of muscle-bound bodybuilders. But in all reality, women (too!) rely on this hormone for health and longevity. Before we dive into all things testosterone and femininity, what is the connection between testosterone and masculinity? What factors have contributed to this perception? Spoiler alert: we can thank human evolution, deep historical roots, and—to no surprise—the media.

Babba Rivera.
Image by Belathée Photography

Testosterone, Cultural Norms, and Social Constructs

To usher in new (and truthful) notions about testosterone, it’s helpful to understand why this hormone gets its current bias.

  1. Biological basis: It’s no secret that testosterone lays the foundation for male reproductive tissues and characteristics. Generally speaking, higher testosterone levels are associated with increased muscle mass and physical strength.
  2. Evolutionary perspectives: Human evolution suggests that high testosterone levels meant survival and reproduction. Not to mention, authority and power. As a result, these traits became linked to masculine cultural ideals.
  3. Cultural and social constructs: Ah, gender roles. Physical strength is traditionally linked with masculinity. This—and many other cultural norms—contribute to the correlation between testosterone and male physical prowess.
  4. Media portrayals: Popular entertainment loves to reinforce stereotypical images of masculinity. Over time, muscular, brawny men have shaped societal perceptions.
  5. Sports and athletics: Testosterone is known to enhance athletic performance. In competitive sports, the affiliation between this hormone and physical strength is amplified. Hello, stereotypes of muscular, testosterone-fueled athletes.
Woman drinking coffee on couch.
Image by Belathée Photography

Why do women need testosterone?

Stereotypes aside, women need testosterone (although in smaller amounts) for optimal health. Beyond hormone balance, it plays a crucial role in maintaining energy levels, preserving bone density, and supporting a healthy libido.

Vital for energy and well-being

Testosterone champions overall vitality and energy. Its presence is associated with improved mood, mental clarity, and a sense of well-being. A deficiency may lead to fatigue, low motivation, and mood swings.

Necessary for bone health

Maintaining adequate testosterone levels is crucial for preserving bone density. Women with low testosterone may be at a higher risk of osteoporosis. Beyond bones, testosterone influences muscle mass, which is vital for longevity, strength, and a robust metabolism.

Required for a strong libido

Last but not least, testosterone is involved in supporting a woman’s libido. This hormone is required for sexual arousal. It’s also necessary for female reproductive health. Did you know that testosterone supports the development of ovarian follicles? If conception is on your radar, make sure your testosterone levels are within range! This is key for successful reproduction.

Camille Styles chopping vegetables in kitchen.

Signs of Testosterone Imbalance

Wondering if your testosterone is high, low, or ideal? Typical red flags include fatigue, decreased libido, mood swings, and changes in body composition—decreased muscle mass and increased fat storage. Ultimately, a blood test can help determine if your testosterone levels are within the optimal range. Consult with your healthcare provider (a general practitioner or endocrinologist) to assess your hormone levels via a blood test.

For women with regular menstrual cycles, the best time to test testosterone levels is during the early to mid-follicular phase.

Holistic Ways to Balance Testosterone

If your testosterone levels are out of whack, not all hope is lost. Holistic strategies include mindful nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, and sufficient sleep. Combined, these foster an environment for happy hormones.

Nutrition and lifestyle

A balanced diet—rich in essential nutrients, including zinc and vitamin D—optimizes hormonal health. More on this, below. Additionally, regular exercise (particularly strength training) can enhance testosterone production. Last but not least, adequate sleep and stress management are critical for hormonal balance.

Herbal support

Research shows that certain herbs, like maca root and ashwagandha, can help support optimal testosterone levels.

Spring Rice Salad with Fresh Herbs Eggs and Avocado.

Foods That Help Balance Testosterone

We love a food-as-medicine approach. And good news: certain foods can contribute to maintaining a healthy balance of testosterone. Foods rich in zinc, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids are known to aid in testosterone production.

Fatty fish: Fish like salmon, mackerel, and trout are high in omega-3 fatty acids. These may positively impact testosterone levels. Tinned fish, anyone?

Lean meats: Lean meats—i.e., chicken and turkey—provide a good source of protein and zinc, a mineral associated with testosterone production.

Eggs: Eggs are rich in vitamin D, which is linked to testosterone levels. Additionally, eggs contain cholesterol, a precursor to testosterone.

Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds are good sources of zinc and healthy fats. Both support hormonal balance. Our grain-free granola fits the bill!

Leafy greens: Spinach and kale are high in magnesium. And magnesium is necessary for normal testosterone levels.

Oysters: Oysters are renowned for their high zinc content, a crucial mineral for testosterone production.

Fortified foods: Certain dairy products and plant-based milk alternatives are fortified with vitamin D, contributing to optimal testosterone levels.

Garlic: Garlic contains allicin, a compound that may lower cortisol levels (too much stress impacts testosterone levels). Add these garlic sweet potato fries to your weekly meal prep.

Pomegranates: Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants, which help reduce oxidative stress and support overall hormonal health. We’re currently crushing on this kale, persimmon, and pomegranate salad.

From Misconceptions to Empowerment

Masculine stereotypes and bodybuilding aside, there’s no denying the truth: we all need testosterone for overall well-being. Our energy, bone health, and mood stability depend on it. This hormone isn’t a symbol of masculinity alone—it’s a fundamental and universal element of holistic health (regardless of gender!). As 2024 unfolds, let’s pave the way for a more inclusive conversation about women and testosterone.

The post You Can Blame This Hormone for Your Mood Swings and Fatigue appeared first on Camille Styles.

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35 Valentine’s Day Movies You’ll Love Snuggling Up to Fri, 02 Feb 2024 11:30:00 +0000 Ain't love grand?

The post 35 Valentine’s Day Movies You’ll Love Snuggling Up to appeared first on Camille Styles.

Love them or hate them, romantic movies are the heart of the beloved February 14th. What’s more romantic than snuggling up with your significant other (or maybe just your pet) and blissfully enjoying a heartfelt flick? Don’t worry—if you’re sick of wasting time scrolling your streaming platforms, we have you covered. No matter your plans, these are the best Valentine’s Day movies to curl up with this holiday.

The Best Valentine’s Day Movies That’ll Make You Believe in Love

Below, you’ll find the movies that bring tears to our eyes while reminding us that love—found in even the most surprising places—deserves a day of its own. Whether you’re looking for a classic film or something new and exciting, we’ve got it all in one place. While not all of these come with a happy ending, each movie is sure to remind you of the endless ways you can connect with and discover love.

past lives_valentine's day movies

Past Lives, 2023

One of the most popular romance thrillers of 2023, Past Lives focuses on the life of childhood friends Nora and Hae Sung and their story of reconnection after a long separation. The movie introduces the Korean Buddhist concept of In-Yun—the connection, fate, or destiny of two people. The heart-wrenching story touches on resurfacing long-buried emotions and grappling with the fact that our lives are ever-changing.

Standout line: “It’s true that if you leave, you lose things, but you also gain things, too.”

Available on: Viki

anyone but you

Anyone But You, 2023

Sydney Sweeny and Glen Powell’s energy is magnetic in this movie, and it’s been all everyone can talk about on social media since its release. Despite an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s initial attraction quickly turns to petty hatred. However, when they unexpectedly find themselves at the wedding of Bea’s sister and Ben’s best friend in Australia, the pair puts on the perfect couple act to make their exes jealous. This story, resembling Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, is the enemies-to-lovers trope I’m dying to stream this Valentine’s Day.

Standout line: “What if we met at Chipolte and Lady & The Tramped a burrito?”

Available on: Apple TV+

love at first sight

Love at First Sight, 2023

Bonding over a phone charger (ah, the world that we live in), Hadley and Oliver experience a once-and-a-lifetime spark while waiting for their flight to England. If you’ve ever experienced an airport crush, you’ll resonate with the pair’s experience of losing each other at customs and likely never seeing each other again. However, in this flick, destiny may have a way of changing the odds.

Standout line: “I’m down for a cheesy rom-com, as long as there’s a happy ending”

Available on: Netflix

love again_valentine's day movies

Love Again, 2023

What if a random text message led to the love of your life? In Love Again, Priyanka Chopra Jonas plays Mira Ray, a woman dealing with the loss of her fiancé. Sending a series of texts to his old cell phone number, she quickly learns that the new recipient is Rob Burns, and she’s been contacting his new work phone. Rob is enamored with the beautifully confessional texts and enlists Celine Dion (who plays herself in the film) to help him figure out how to meet Mira and win her over.

Standout line: “If I hear you breathe, I get wings to fly.”

Available on: Netflix

rye lane_valentine's day movies

Rye Lane, 2023

This British romantic comedy film, directed by Raine Allen-Miller, is set in the South London areas of Peckham and Brixton. The film is titled after the real-life Rye Lane Market, where stars David Jonsson and Vivian Oparah meet as strangers with a romantic spark. After having both been through recent breakups, the pair spends the day getting to know each other. And as they quickly discover, love is never that simple.

Standout line: “So apparently, there are two types of people in this world. The ones who wave at boats and the ones who hate joy.”

Available on: Hulu

fingernails movie poster

Fingernails, 2023

I prefaced this list noting that not all of these movies will be heartwarming rom-coms. In the near future, scientists have pinned down compatibility via technology. How? You and your partner can each have a fingernail pulled to measure affection and determine whether either, neither, or both of you are truly in love. However, a seemly “perfect” couple, Anna and Ryan have their romance thrown for a loop when Anna begins to fall for another man.

Standout line: “I founded this institute in order to take the risk out of love.”

Available on: Apple TV+

mrs. harris goes to paris

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris, 2022

While I’d happily ugly-cry through a heartbreaking love story, I’m more apt to enjoy something truly feel-good. (But wow, if you watched the third episode of The Last of Us, you’ll know there’s always an exception to the rule.) If you’re also after a touching narrative with a protagonist you’ll be rooting for the entire time; nothing beats Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris.

It’s 1950s London, and a widowed cleaning lady’s (Mrs. Harris’) only dream is to have a couture Dior dress in her closet. She raises the money and heads to Paris to make her dream a reality. But her pursuit transforms more than her own life—it may very well shift the future of the House of Dior. (Psst… the film features Emily in Paris star Lucas Bravo. If you wanted more of chef Gabriel post-season three, watch this.)

Standout line: “We need more dreams, now more than ever.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

wedding season_valentine's day movies

Wedding Season, 2022

While Netflix has put out its fair share of rom-coms in recent years, Wedding Season has to be one of the best. Asha, an economist, has recently parted ways with her fiancé and left Wall Street to work for a New Jersey startup. Her mother, worried about Asha’s future, takes it into her own hands and makes her a dating profile. Asha meets Ravi, and despite a few missteps, they feign a relationship to make it through the summer’s many weddings. That is, until—in true rom-com form—faking it becomes something more.

Standout line: “I don’t dance on demand.”

Available on: Hulu

ticket to paradise_valentine's day movies

Ticket to Paradise, 2022

Standout line: The movie poster alone is enticing enough. George Clooney and Julia Roberts? Easily sold. But I’ll sweeten the deal. Roberts is back in Bali, but instead of searching for herself playing Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert, she and Clooney (who plays her ex-husband) are trying to stop their daughter from marrying a seaweed farmer. It seems that sabotage may be the *ticket* to rekindling the magic. Oh, and again: Lucas Bravo.

Standout line: “Telling someone to calm down has literally never calmed anyone down in the history of the universe.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

tall girl 2

Tall Girl 2, 2022

If you have a thing for movies that perfectly depict just how cringe and awkward it can be to exist as a teenager, then you likely loved Tall Girl (same). In the sequel, Jodi is navigating newfound popularity after her speech at the homecoming dance. But her new relationship, social status, and star role in the spring musical bring on anxiety attacks. Will the stress be too much? Can she move beyond the voice in her head holding her back? Watch this charming coming-of-age film to find out.

Standout line: “Are you sure you don’t mind leaning down to kiss me?”

Available on: Netflix

call me by your name

Call Me By Your Name, 2017

We couldn’t compile a list of top Valentine’s Day movies without including this romantic flick featuring everybody’s heartthrob, Timothée Chalamet. The tension between the two is unbearable at times, but try and watch this movie without experiencing goosebumps all over. This story of young love and self-discovery is incredibly moving and devastatingly heartbreaking, but it’s one we will watch over and over for its stunning cinematography and soundtrack (Sufjan Stevens nailed this one!).

Standout line: “I’ll never have the courage to ask a question like that.”

Available on: Netflix

carol 2015

Carol, 2015

Another movie that proves love can appear in unexpected places, and it can be, well, complicated. This was the case for Therese Belivet (Rooney Mara) who falls for the captivating Carol (Cate Blanchett) after seeing her at a 1950s Manhattan department store. Of course, you guessed it, the two women form a bond that quickly turns to an affair with complicated consequences.

Standout line: “Dearest there are no accidents.”

Available on: Netflix

the lobster

The Lobster, 2016

I’ve spent the past seven years defending my stance that this is the all-time greatest movie in existence. It’s dark, it’s funny, it’s visually stunning and sad. In this dystopian world, single people have 45 days to find love. If they fail? They get turned into animals. The Lobster is a breath of fresh air for anyone who’s tired of the soulmate trope, skeptical of happy endings, or just wants to watch a beautifully authentic romance unfold before your eyes.

Standout line: “A lobster is an excellent choice.”

Available on: Max

sleepless in seattle_valentine's day movies

Sleepless in Seattle, 1993

While some movies filed under the rom-com/romance genre don’t age well, Sleepless in Seattle will forever remain a classic. Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks make the ultimate on-screen 90s couple (You’ve Got Mail, anyone?). And while Rosie O’Donnell plays the perfect, cynical friend who points out all the failings of our modern conception of love, this movie will still make you root for romance. Note: I’ve also never wanted to purchase a houseboat in Seattle more.

Standout line: “Destiny is something that we’ve invented because we can’t stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

two for the road_valentine's day movies

Two for the Road, 1967

I watched this for the first time with my mom in middle school (romantic, right?). Like many of us, Audrey Hepburn is her favorite actress, and while Breakfast at Tiffany’s is one of her standout roles, this lesser-known film is as romantic as it gets. There’s nothing like a road trip through southern France to re-examine your twelve-year relationship. Golden Globe and Oscar nominations abound, and they’re all definitely merited. What was considered an experimental film portrayal of love at the time remains a dramatic but heartwarming story of two people trying to recapture a faded passion. On another note: Audrey Hepburn’s style is always on point.

Standout line: “What kind of people just sit there without a word to say to each other?” “Married people.”

Available on: YouTube TV

north by northwest_valentine's day movies

North by Northwest, 1959

A spy thriller? For Valentine’s Day? Stick with me. While Alfred Hitchock is more often associated with horror and suspense, I’d be remiss not to point out his ability to capture romance at its most intensely unique. Because it came out mid-century, some of the dialogue, of course, is a bit dated. But Cary Grant? Timeless.

Standout line: “I never discuss love on an empty stomach.”

Available on: Tubi

something's got to give

Something’s Got to Give, 2003

It’s not a list of romantic movies without a Nancy Meyers standout. If you’re a Diane Keaton fan (everyone), love a good New England beach aesthetic, and can’t get enough of an early 2000s Keanu Reeves (just me?), then this is the movie to be marathoning on V-day and beyond. Not only will you get a feel-good film out of the holiday, but trust me—buckle up for plenty of sartorial inspiration to come.

Standout line: “It’s just a walk Erica, not a marriage proposal.”

Available on: Tubi

high fidelity

High Fidelity, 2000

Because if there’s anything we love more than an optimistic teenage John Cusack with a stereo over his head, it’s a bitter thirty-something Cusack who works at the local record store. This hilarious study of romantic relationships is infinitely quotable, totally relatable, and oh-so-good.

Standout line: “I hope we’re not in love anymore, to be honest. It would give me a better opinion of love right now.”

Available on: YouTube TV

midnight in paris

Midnight in Paris, 2011

This movie will spark your imagination. Follow a charmingly bewildered Owen Wilson as he stumbles through time in the foggy streets of Paris. Did it really happen? Or did he imagine it? Either way, it’s magical, and we want to watch it again and again—especially for another glimpse of that guy who plays Hemingway.

Standout line: “Nostalgia is denial – denial of the painful present… the name for this denial is golden age thinking – the erroneous notion that a different time period is better than the one one’s living in – it’s a flaw in the romantic imagination of those people who find it difficult to cope with the present.”

Available on: Sling

populaire_valentine's day movies

Populaire, 2013

This little French film about an insurance boss and his quick typing secretary is one part sports movie, two parts rom-com, and altogether charming. We especially love the fun 60s fashion and whimsical action scenes in this quirky romance.

Standout line: “One gift in this world is enough.”

Available on: Roku Channel

when harry met sally

When Harry Met Sally, 1989

First they hated each other. Then they were friends… Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan still charm in the godfather of all romantic comedies. This one has staying power.

Standout line: “I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” 

Available on: Amazon Prime

breakfast at tiffany's_valentine's day movies

Breakfast at Tiffany’s, 1961

Because being broke, quirky, and single in the city has never looked so chic.

Standout line: “You can love somebody without it being like that. You keep them a stranger, a stranger who’s a friend.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

bridget jones's diary

Bridget Jones’s Diary, 2001

If we could only pick one Valentine’s Day movie for the single person, it would probably be this. We get Colin Firth and Hugh Grant. An endless stream of cheeky references to Pride and Prejudice. And Renée Zellweger doing every single stupid thing we’ve ever done or thought about doing ourselves. Bridget Jones, you are the everywoman. And we physically need for things to work out for you.

Standout line: “Shut up, please. I am very busy and important.”

Available on: Hulu


Amélie, 2001

Our generation’s gamine in the role that made her famous: a shy and charming romantic who mischievously meddles in other people’s love lives. Trés sweet.

Standout line: “Failure teaches us that life is but a draft, an endless rehearsal of a show that will never play.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

that thing you do!

That Thing You Do!, 1996

Liv is at her absolute loveliest in Tom Hank’s directorial debut about an innocent group of high school musicians who become overnight sensations.

Standout line: “We came here to meet girls and dance, and we can’t meet girls until we dance!”

Available on: Amazon Prime

sixteen candles

Sixteen Candles, 1984

I have two words for you: Jake Ryan. If (like some of the girls in this office) you are somehow too young to have seen John Hughes’ original Brat Pack movie, consider this one a personal assignment from me. You’ll get to see the film that arguably defined “high school movie,” Anthony Michael Hall at his most adorable, and one of the most classic on-screen kisses of the eighties.

Standout line: “I want a serious girlfriend. Somebody I can love, that’s gonna love me back. Is that psycho?”

Available on: Netflix

romantics anonymous_valentine's day movies

Romantics Anonymous, 2010

Two shy chocolate-makers come together in this sweet and subtle story with plenty of French ambiance. Bon appétit.

Standout line: “I’m sorry but it won’t work. I love you and I know you love me. But it’s a recipe for disaster.”

Available on: Tubi

about a boy

About A Boy, 2002

Okay, so this quirky little comedy based on Nick Hornby’s 1998 novel doesn’t end with a dream wedding, but trust us when we say it’s exactly what you need this Valentine’s Day: Hugh Grant at his best in a role that’s meant for him, an adorable kid, and a heartwarming story that will have you believing in love of a larger kind.

Standout line: “Once you open your door to one person, anyone can come in.”

Available on: Apple TV+


Brooklyn, 2015

The costumes, scenery and dreamy 1950s world of director John Crowley’s film are enough to have us mesmerized. But it’s the innocent love between main characters Ellis and Tony that puts this Oscar-nominated flick on our all-time love list.

Standout line: “You’ll feel so homesick that you’ll want to die, and there’s nothing you can do about it apart from endure it. But you will, and it won’t kill you. And one day the sun will come out—you might not even notice straight away, it’ll be that faint. And then you’ll catch yourself thinking about something or someone who has no connection with the past.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

the goodbye girl

The Goodbye Girl, 1977

This screen adaptation of Neil Simon’s famous comedy is ripe with the playwright’s signature one-liners. Set in gritty 70s New York City, this old-school rom-com delivers just what we want (even if we see it coming a mile away). One of Camille’s personal faves!

Standout line: “You were never four-and-a-half, you were born 26.”

Available on: Tubi

the mirror has two faces

The Mirror Has Two Faces, 1996

This 90s comedy charms with the unlikely pairing of Barbara Streisand and Jeff Bridges as lonely Columbia professors. When Barbara’s sister takes the initiative to answer Jeff’s personal ad, the two find themselves quickly falling into a very unconventional relationship. Produced and directed by Streisand herself, this movie has a great message about beauty for women. And hey, I don’t know about you but I want to live in a world where Babs can turn down a desperate Pierce Brosnan. #anythingispossible

Standout line: “I tell you what I envy about people in love—I’d love it if someone knew me, I mean really knew me. What I like, what I’m afraid of, what kind of toothpaste I use.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

far from the madding crowd_valentine's day movies

Far From the Madding Crowd, 2015

Put on your PJs and break out the red wine and popcorn. This movie is pure escapism in the best way possible. Based on the classic novel by Thomas Hardy, this period drama stars Cary Mulligan as the beautiful and headstrong Bathsheba Everdene. She has three suitors to choose from and (gasp) she even makes a few mistakes along the way. We love the story for its message of perseverance and the movie for the gorgeous English backdrop.

Standout line: “I am, as ever, in bewildered awe of anyone who can make this kind of commitment.”

Available on: Max

annie hall

Annie Hall, 1977

Woody Allen’s comedy starring himself and Diane Keaton goes well beyond the “rom-com” category it may have created. This is pure vintage Woody: neurotic, smart, dialogue-charged, and very funny. If you haven’t seen this 1970s classic, we think you’ll recognize the movie’s influence on so many of the things you already love (think Sex and the City, When Harry Met Sally, and even Ferris Bueller’s Day Off).

Standout line: “In California, they don’t throw their garbage away. They make it into TV shows.”

Available on: Max

10 things I hate about you

10 Things I Hate About You, 1999

The last of the great 90s high school movies, this is one cable classic we simply can’t turn away from on a Saturday morning. And why should we? It features a young Heath Ledger, all the high school archetypes we know and love, and it’s even adapted from a Shakespeare play. So, it’s kind of educational, right?

Standout line: “I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?”

Available on: Disney+

waitress_valentine's day movies

Waitress, 2007

We loved her as Felicity, and well, for girls of a certain age Kerri Russell is forever. This time she’s in her thirties, stuck in a boring job and a bad marriage. It’s up to creativity, love, and luck to help her find a way to start life anew.

Standout line: “I was addicted to saying things and having them matter to someone.”

Available on: Starz

pirate radio

Pirate Radio (The Boat That Rocked), 2009

From the same gang who brought us Love Actually, this feel-good British comedy follows a ship of rogue deejays off the coast of England. We dare you to not smile throughout their voyage (which encounters the loss of virginity, a hippie wedding, and a love-fueled game of “chicken”) all with joyful silliness (and an amazing soundtrack to boot).

Standout line: “I plan on broadcasting from this boat until the day I die… and a few days after that.”

Available on: Apple TV

the princess bride_valentine's day movies

The Princess Bride, 1987

Rob Reiner’s VHS masterpiece is basically part of our collective ID at this point. To Will Smith (who once famously said you cannot be both sexy and funny at the same time) I present to you a young Cary Elwes. Touché.

Standout line: “Death cannot stop true love.”

Available on: Disney+

four weddings and a funeral

Four Weddings and a Funeral, 1994

If you haven’t seen this classic by now, then please add it to your must-watch list. A young bubbling Hugh Grant and a stunning Andie MacDowell (who just gets better with age) pair up in this hilariously romantic comedy. You’ll laugh, cry, cringe, and swoon.

Standout line: “I am, as ever, in bewildered awe of anyone who can make this kind of commitment.”

Available on: Tubi

like water for chocolate

Like Water for Chocolate, 1992

There is so much emotional tension in this movie so prepare yourself. The beautiful Tita (Lumi Cavazos) is forbidden to marry her true love, Pedro (Marco Leonardi) since tradition dictates (as the youngest in the family) she must care for her mother. So, in a very anguishing twist, he marries her older sister, Rosaura (Yareli Arizmendi) even though he still loves Tita. Of course, you can only imagine the tension that ensues as a result. Just watch it and see what unfolds.

Standout line: “I’m a man of few, but firm, words.”

Available on: Pluto TV

romeo and juliet_valentine's day movies

Romeo & Juliet, 1996

The classic Shakespearean tale has been adapted many times but none of them bring it into a modern context quite like Australian director, Baz Luhrmann. The version of the tragic story has Romeo (Leonardo Dicaprio) and Juliet (Claire Danes) living in a post-modern city named Verona Beach where the Capulets and the Montagues are two rival gangs. The pair meet when Romeo crashes the Capulet’s lavish masked costume ball (the fish tank scene is iconic!) and the rest is history. Not only will you love this contemporary adaptation but you’ll also love the soundtrack (this Radiohead song is imprinted to memory) and the costumes (Romeo’s Hawaiian shirt is a Halloween favorite).

Standout line: “If love be rough with you, be rough with love. Prick love for pricking and you beat love down.”

Available on: Apple TV

great expectations_valentine's day movies

Great Expectations, 1998

Another classic that was given a modern update is Great Expectations. There have been many director’s who’ve attempted to improve upon this iconic tale but this one really stands out. Why? Well, first of all, the protagonists are a young Gwyneth Paltrow and Ethan Hawke. Secondly, the green with envy costume color scheme throughout the film is legendary (90s Donna Karen, say no more!). And once again, you will listen to this soundtrack on repeat and add it to your favorite albums of all time—we promise!

Standout line: “You aren’t afraid of a woman who has never seen the sun since before you were born?”

Available on: Max

The post 35 Valentine’s Day Movies You’ll Love Snuggling Up to appeared first on Camille Styles.

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What to Do With Your Life in February—50 Ideas to Add to Your Bucket List Thu, 01 Feb 2024 11:00:00 +0000 Love is in the air.

The post What to Do With Your Life in February—50 Ideas to Add to Your Bucket List appeared first on Camille Styles.

February’s funny. In many places, we’ve passed winter’s chilliest midpoint and the start of spring is within reach. But at the same time, February’s harsh weather can seem never-ending, and the promise of warmer days feels like a pipe dream at best. Of course, Valentine’s Day sits squarely in the middle of the year’s shortest month, and whether you’re in a relationship or not, knowing how to spend the holiday comes with no shortage of options. Amidst all this cold and love-struck mayhem, I wanted to make room for consistent, daily joy. That’s why I’ve filled our February bucket list with inspiring and energy-sparking to-do’s that might just make the month your favorite yet.

Featured image from our interview with Aishwarya Iyer.

Woman buying flowers at market.

50 February Bucket List Ideas

While some may be quick to write February off as a month to skip over, I’d argue it’s one of the most magic-filled times of the year. There are warm mugs of our favorite beverages to be sipped, soups to be slurped, and an endless stream of movies and books to curl up with. See love, while traditionally thought of as romantic love in the context of Valentine’s Day, can take on endless forms. It can look like picking up your partner’s most cherished dessert after work, inviting a friend to their favorite café for a breakfast date, or simply carving out the time that’s yours and yours alone to spend in any way you’d like.

It’s with this idea in mind that we’ve rounded up your February bucket list, which plays lightly on the theme of love in all its forms. From how to make the most of your solo time to ways to build upon your new year reset, we have ideas for things to do in February that are sure to give you the butterflies.

1. Switch out your sheets. Is there anything sexier than silk? While many of us were rocking our flannel sheets and heavy-duty comforters throughout the holidays and into January, it’s time to celebrate the month of love with picks that’ll give you an excuse to spend all day in bed. This sateen set is so chic.

2. Discover your love language. I’ve long known that words of affirmation get me going (she’s a writer, duh!). But, after reading this article and re-taking the quiz, I was surprised to learn that physical touch is important to me, too. Do you know yours?

3. Surprise your S.O. with a home-cooked meal. Whether you go high with something fancy or play it cool with their favorite comfort dish, there’s nothing better than walking through the door to the heavenly scent of something homemade. No matter your love language.

4. Book an unforgettable experience. As a midwestern girlie, there’s nowhere that instantly sparks the idea of luxury more than Destination Kohler. If you haven’t made the trek up to Wisconsin yet, there’s no better time than right now. Visit the quaint Kohler Village for the Celebration of Chocolate festival, February 23-24. Expect chef demonstrations, wine pairings, ice skating, and chocolate tastings all throughout the weekend. Honestly, can you think of a better way to wrap up the month?

Coupes filled with rose wine.

5. Try a new wine. Whether you book your favorite BYOB restaurant for Valentine’s Day or make a special meal at home, nothing says celebratory quite like a new-to-you wine. I’m partial to this crisp Italian white that’s refreshing and easy to drink as well as this sparkling rosé that boasts a sophisticated sweetness. Just call it the perfect V-Day bubbly.

6. … or make a new mocktail! With many of us continuing our Dry January into the months to come, it’s time to expand our creative minds and think outside the typical mocktail. Olivia Noceda is my go-to girl for the sexiest, most imaginative recipes. Can we please take a moment for this Glitter Lemon Drop Mocktini?!

7. Commit to random acts of kindness. During the month dedicated to love, there’s nothing better than spreading and sharing joy. Get inspired by our favorite ways to make someone’s day.

8. Decorate with Peach Fuzz. It’s only the biggest color of the year! Try these designer-approved ways to highlight the hue in your home.

9. Have a solo self-care night. Dim the lights and turn up the vibey music—we’re staying in. Put on a face mask, make a meal for one, and catch up with your favorite folks on YouTube.

10. Take the enneagram test. Like your love language, discovering your enneagram can open your eyes to the many unique ways you experience the world. Since learning mine (anyone else a four?), I’ve become much more sympathetic to how my sensitivity and creativity manifest themselves in my everyday rhythms, interactions, and routines. Get to know yourself a little better and take a deep dive here.

11. Level up your weekday lunch. This cauliflower salad couldn’t be easier to prep—and it packs so much flavor into your midday meal. While you’re at it, get inspired to make your lunch hour an intentional reset.

12. Binge a new podcast. Is anyone else in a podcast rut? These are the juiciest, most fulfilling, overall best podcasts for women—or anyone—to listen to. Our editors are obsessed.

13. Pick up a cold weather-friendly hobby. There’s no better way to stay inspired indoors and make the most of February’s cold temps. From doing something with your hands like knitting or ceramics to becoming a baking goddess—these perfect chocolate cupcakes are on my to-bake list—consult our list of winter hobbies for all the inspiration you need.

14. Ask your partner these questions to build intimacy. Feel like you’re having the same conversation over and over again with your S.O.? (What’s for dinner? How was your day? etc. etc.) Skip the small talk and get to the heart of your connection with questions designed to deepen your relationship.

15. Volunteer at your local animal shelter. Donating your time to any cause is an honorable thing. But during this month full of fuzzy, warm feelings, I’m craving a little more time spent with cute animals who know how to give and receive love best. Connect with your local animal shelter to see what support they need and what opportunities are available. Who knows, you might just take home a new best friend.

16. Change up your cleaning routine. In other words: take back your Sunday. We tapped an expert for her thoughts on how to romanticize your new favorite chore.

17. Structure a Sunday reset. Sundays are my dedicated day of rest. I sleep in, read in bed for longer than I’d like to admit, and putter downstairs for a cup of coffee only when the craving strikes. And as much as I love this low-key rhythm to my day, I’m out to make it the tiniest bit more productive. Since setting this intention, I’ve started implementing the following Sunday tasks and activities:

  • Deep clean the house
  • Grocery shop/light meal prep
  • A thorough skincare routine
  • Get my inbox in a good place
  • Make Monday’s to-do list
  • Take a long walk with an inspiring podcast

A Sunday reset is the perfect way to start the week feeling refreshed and re-energized. Sunday Scaries, who?

18. Dedicate yourself to learning about Black history. (And make a plan for continuing your education—and activism—moving forward.) February is a month dedicated to honoring the greatness the Black community has contributed to all areas of our world. From the arts to science to history (and everything in between), Black people everywhere need to be remembered and lifted up. Do all that you can to read Black literature, listen to Black music, support Black creators—and dedicate time to learning their stories. And because I can’t emphasize it enough, this is not something to be checked off your list. Continue to take in all you can and find ways to give back and take action.

19. Watch the best new shows. With the Hollywood strikes left behind in 2023, we’re ready to soak up all that’s new in television. From the Mr. & Mrs. Smith remake to the high-budget Shogun to another continuation of The Walking Dead universe, February has plenty of good television in store.

20. Do a skin detox. Follow our esthetician-approved guide.

Stylish living room.

21. Work your way through all the Oscars nominees. Make it a point to try and watch all of the nominations in all the categories (a feat, I know!). But the challenge is worth it, because you’ll be privy to the best of the best in film over the past year. A few personal recommendations: start with The Holdovers, progress to Poor Things, and be sure to make time for Past Lives. (Because I’m sure you’ve already watched both Barbie and Oppenheimer ten times through.)

22. Tap into your feminine energy. PSA: it’s not just a trend. An expert shares everything to know about channeling your feminine energy and all the ways it can expand your world.

23. Try the Sleepy Girl Mocktail. Experts swear it’s the key to getting the best sleep of your life—and we agree. Get the recipe, plus other snooze-inducing ideas.

24. Consider going grain-free. Camille’s deep in her grain-free era and has loved how she feels as a result. If you’re experiencing tummy troubles, first chat with your medical provider—but consider making these delish zucchini muffins and the granola we can’t stop snacking on.

Writing on iPad.

25. Build an intentional morning routine. Camille’s the expert, let her enviable (but totally doable!) morning routine inspire your own.

26. Show your coffee table some love. From the best coffee table books to tips for how to style this coveted design piece, make this the month you let your coffee table live up to its potential.

27. *Finally* get a new probiotic. You’ve read up on the benefits of adding a probiotic to your supplement routine and how it can be a game changer for your gut health. Now’s the time to put that knowledge into action! I’ve been taking the Hilma Daily Pre + Probiotic and am truly obsessed. Honorable mentions go to Ritual Synbiotic+ and the always-buzzy Seed Daily Synbiotic. (Of course, be sure to discuss with your doctor first to determine whether a probiotic is right for you.)

28. Upgrade your coffee ritual. Gone are the days of mindlessly pounding mug after mug of Folgers. Pair good coffee with Instagram-worthy mugs. And remember: it’s the little things.

Woman reading book.

29. Give your space a glow-up. New month, new digs. Dedicate a day (maybe this Sunday?) to giving your space the ultimate refresh. Go full-on Marie Kondo and, room by room, remove everything before going through all of it to determine what can stay and what can go. Put things back in a new, inspiring way that’ll keep your energy high all month long.

30. Try cold water therapy. I won’t lie: it’s painful at first, but fully worth all the inflammation-fighting and skin-boosting benefits. Here’s everything you need to know before you start.

31. Make hand-made valentines. While I resented my parents for forcing my sisters and I to make our valentines every year growing up, I’ve since become grateful for their push for creativity. Now as an adult, I look forward to this time of year when I can celebrate all the love in my life—through friends, coworkers, and family. Stock up on supplies and craft your heart out! I love these watercolor valentines and the idea of making friendship bracelets is so sweet.

32. Invest in good tights. Gone are the days of making my $5 hosiery ~work~. We rounded up the best tights for keeping your leggies warm ’til spring.

33. Write a love letter (to yourself). Be sure to include yourself in all of the love month celebrations. In your journal or on a dedicated piece of paper, write a letter about all the things you love and cherish most about yourself. It could be the way you can be immersed in a book for several hours before coming up for air or your undying love for cats. (I’m using myself as an example.) Set aside an hour to craft the most important valentine. Be sure to keep it somewhere special so you can look back on it whenever you want.

34. Practice positive affirmations. Let’s keep a good thing going. Try these positive affirmations that’ll help you embrace your best self.

35. Refresh your workspace. Keep up your fresh-start momentum and extend it to your desk. It’s easy for clutter to build up—both physically and digitally—in one of the busiest areas of our home. Clear off your desk and only put back what’s necessary to keep you on task, productive, and inspired. Who doesn’t love a good minimalist aesthetic when they’re trying to get sh*t done?

36. Start planning your spring garden. If you’re starting veggies from seed, now’s the time to start them indoors. Get inspired by Camille’s green thumb journey.


37. Treat yourself to a new perfume. Who doesn’t love a new scent? Match your vibe to the romance that’s filling the air. I’m obsessed with By Rosie Jane’s nostalgic ‘Dulce’ scent (think: a decadent, but not-too-sweet vanilla) as well as Ouai’s ‘Melrose Place’—the fresh floral scent is the perfect harbinger of spring.

38. Romanticize your life. Pretend you’re the main character in a romantic comedy. You venture through bookstores on snowy weekend afternoons and make fresh bouquets to display throughout your home. For more ideas on how to elevate your everyday life, read this.

39. Practice a new-month routine. Our Wellness Editor, Edie—one of the most organized people I know—shares her top seven tips for getting aligned and starting the month with an intentional and productive mindset.

40. Treat yourself to a new candle. Splurge on one of our favorite luxury candles. I’m also loving LOHN candles—this amber and vetiver delight is the moment.

41. Add this chocolate poundcake to your Valentine’s menu. Throughout the month, enjoy chocolate when you can, wherever you can, and in any way you can. First up? This totally-delish, one-bowl chocolate poundcake.

42. Host an afternoon tea with friends. It doesn’t have to be fancy (but you’re welcome to break out the vintage china if you’d like). Put the kettle on, ask folks to bring their favorite sweets, and set out loose-leaf teas for everyone to pick and choose. It’s the perfect, relaxing way to connect with your friends, catch up, and gather.

43. Refine your creative writing. Set your imagination loose and craft entirely new worlds of your own. To get started, these 99 prompts were designed specifically to help you beat writer’s block.

44. Practice manifestation. Everyone’s talking about it and those practicing it are reaping the benefits. We spoke with an expert who shares how to manifest your dream life.

Shelves of shoes.

45. Get a head start on spring cleaning. A closet clean-out can be a process, but it can feel so good to identify the clothes that no longer serve you. The best part? It creates space for pieces that support your body and suit your vibe best.

46. Embrace the mob wife aesthetic. It’s statement-making and glamorous. Find a (faux) fur coat, big earrings, and heavy eyeliner—it’s the chicest way to stay warm.

47. Revive dry winter skin. Hydrating face masks not only leave your skin perfectly dewy, but they’re such a fun way to indulge in self-care.

48. Marathon your favorite rom-com movies. There’s never a better month to stream your favorite mid-aughts romantic comedies. These are all of our feel-good faves.

49. Take a detox bath. Self-care and self-love at their finest. Read up on our favorite tips for taking a detox bath.

50. Organize one thing. The junk drawer, medicine cabinet, or living room shelf you’ve been putting off? Set a timer for 30 minutes and surprise yourself by how good it’ll feel to get it done.

The post What to Do With Your Life in February—50 Ideas to Add to Your Bucket List appeared first on Camille Styles.

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Does Late-Night Snacking Sabotage Your Health? A Nutritionist Weighs In Tue, 30 Jan 2024 11:30:00 +0000 Satisfy your hunger, healthfully.

The post Does Late-Night Snacking Sabotage Your Health? A Nutritionist Weighs In appeared first on Camille Styles.

We’re no strangers to late-night cravings. When the artificial glow of the refrigerator calls, thoughts begin to swirl. Sweet or savory? Crunchy and cold? Or warm and buttery? Decisions, decisions. Be it a twilight Netflix binge, an after-hours party with friends, or a project with a tight deadline, hunger doesn’t discriminate. It beckons on the whim of our dynamic appetites. But good news! If you’re torn between satisfying your hunger and ensuring a peaceful slumber, there’s no need to choose. Healthy late-night snacks (and drinks!) can enhance a good night’s sleep.

In this guide, we’re exploring the world of nourishing late-night snacks—balanced bites designed for better sleep. Get the rundown on nutrients worth noshing on, why fats and protein are key, and soothing teas for restful zzz’s. Last but not least, if you’re worried about derailing your physique goals, fear not! We’re here to prove that a bedtime snack is a valuable ally.

Edie Horstman
Edie Horstman

Edie is the founder of nutrition coaching business, Wellness with Edie. With her background and expertise, she specializes in women’s health, including fertility, hormone balance, and postpartum wellness.

Is having a bedtime snack healthy?

Yes! A bedtime snack—when chosen with nutrition in mind—can support a variety of health goals. First and foremost, it plays a crucial role in hormone balance. Foods rich in tryptophan and magnesium (think: pumpkin seeds and Greek yogurt) help produce serotonin and melatonin, hormones essential for regulating sleep patterns. Secondly, a bedtime snack can keep blood sugar levels stable, preventing a sugar crash in the middle of the night. Last but not least, for those aiming to gain lean muscle mass, a protein-forward snack supports overnight muscle repair, fostering progress, recovery, and strength.

No, a Bedtime Snack Won’t Derail Your Physique Goals

Counter to common misconceptions, a well-chosen bedtime snack can benefit your well-being. Research shows it helps your metabolism, prevents overeating the next day, and boosts sleep-regulating neurotransmitters in the brain. In other words, your late-night snack isn’t just about curbing cravings. It’s a mindful choice that aligns with a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Supports your metabolism

Consuming a balanced snack prevents the body from entering a catabolic state during the night. Trying to gain lean muscle mass? This is particularly important.

Prevents overeating the next day

A satisfying late-night snack can prevent overeating the next day (and minimize unhealthy food choices).

Boosts sleep-regulating neurotransmitters

Tryptophan and magnesium facilitate the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin. These neurotransmitters play a pivotal role in signaling it’s time to wind down. In turn, this contributes to a more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Remi sleep_healthy late night snacks

Foods to Avoid for Better Sleep

While a bedtime snack won’t derail your health goals (and, in all reality, can be advantageous!), not all snacks are created equal. Scroll this list for top offenders. To summarize, foods high in caffeine—such as coffee ice cream and chocolate bars—should be avoided due to their stimulant effects. Spicy and acidic foods, like salsa or curry, may lead to indigestion and discomfort, making it harder to relax. Additionally, fatty and greasy foods (potato chips, heavy cheeses, etc.), can slow digestion and cause discomfort when lying down. When possible, minimize these types of foods for better sleep hygiene.

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Specific Nutrients That Help You Fall Asleep

On the flip side, what are nutrients that help you fall asleep (and stay asleep)? Enter: the trifecta of magnesium, tryptophan, and melatonin. Incorporating these into your healthy late-night snacks is game changing.

  1. Magnesium: Magnesium is known for its muscle-relaxing properties, making it an excellent choice for a peaceful night’s sleep. Foods rich in magnesium—such as almonds, pumpkin seeds, and brown rice—are wholesome late-night options. Enjoy 1-2 brown rice cakes with nut butter, pumpkin seeds, and a dash of cinnamon.
  2. Tryptophan: As mentioned, tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin and melatonin, both essential for regulating sleep. Turkey, chicken, and dairy products are great sources of tryptophan. Nosh on a few turkey and cheese roll-ups as a sleep-inducing snack.
  3. Melatonin: Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Incorporate foods that naturally boost melatonin levels, such as tart cherry juice or a small bowl of cherries, to help signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.
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Why Blood Sugar Balance Is Key for Restful Sleep

With those nutrients in mind, focus on maintaining stable blood sugar levels. This prevents disruptions in sleep. How can you do this? Opt for ingredients that encourage a slow and steady release of glucose. A few favorites: cottage cheese, sprouted grains, berries, nuts, and seeds. When in doubt, combine complex carbs with a source of protein and healthy fats—Greek yogurt with a sprinkle of chia seeds and granola or a bowl of popcorn mixed with pumpkin seeds, walnuts, coconut flakes, and unsweetened dried cherries.

Trail Mix, nuts, healthy snacks_healthy late night snacks

5 Nutritionist-Approved Bedtime Snack Ideas

Contrary to the myth that eating before bed is a recipe for weight gain, choosing the right combination of healthy fats and protein can support your health goals. Looking for inspo? We have you covered.

Vanilla Chia Pudding With Chestnut Honey & Berries. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and a touch of sweetness, this late-night snack curbs sweet cravings without the sugar crash. Add a drizzle of nut butter for extra staying power.

Avocado Toast with a Jammy Egg. Want a savory bite before bed? This simple avocado toast is as balanced as it gets—fiber-rich carbs, healthy fats, and protein.

Healthy Oatmeal Cookies. Most nights, a cookie or two is just what the post-toddler-bedtime-routine ordered. These have wholesome ingredients with a relatively small amount of sugar, along with coconut flakes and walnuts for added satiation.

Almond Butter Green Smoothie. Toss in a scoop of vanilla protein powder and this smoothie is a bedtime winner. It’s naturally sweet, loaded with magnesium-loving greens, and comes together in minutes.

Grain-Free Zucchini Muffins. Crumble one of these on top of a bowl of Greek yogurt—or pop one in the air fryer and drizzle it with peanut butter—and your morning muffin just got a nighttime upgrade.

Tea_healthy late-night snacks

Herbal Teas to Drink Before Bed

Along with your late-night snack, consider the ritual of sipping on a warm, soothing cup of tea (or bone broth…or a sleepy girl mocktail) before bed. Certain herbal teas have properties that promote relaxation, signaling it’s time to hit the hay.

  1. Chamomile: Chamomile tea is renowned for its calming effects. It contains antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation and anxiety, making it an ideal choice for a pre-sleep ritual.
  2. Lavender: Lavender has long been associated with relaxation. A cup of lavender tea can have calming effects on the nervous system, preparing your body and mind for a peaceful night’s sleep.
  3. Peppermint: Peppermint tea contains menthol, which is a naturally occurring muscle relaxant. Mint tea can help encourage full-body relaxation after a stressful day.
  4. Passionflower: Passionflower tea contains the flavone chrysin, which aids against anxiety. It may help you sleep more peacefully.
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Sleep-Friendly Snacks Are Worth the Hype

Ultimately, the key to a restful night’s sleep lies in creating a mindful nighttime routine. And yes, that includes choosing the right snack(s). But by incorporating specific nutrients and prioritizing blood sugar balance, you can enhance both your sleep quality and overall health goals. Tonight, when you find yourself peering into the fridge, consider opting for a sleep-friendly snack—one that sets the stage for sweet dreams.

The post Does Late-Night Snacking Sabotage Your Health? A Nutritionist Weighs In appeared first on Camille Styles.

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40 Simple Daily Habits That Will Make You Happier and Healthier Wed, 24 Jan 2024 11:00:00 +0000 Small tweaks, major difference.

The post 40 Simple Daily Habits That Will Make You Happier and Healthier appeared first on Camille Styles.

Over the years, I’ve learned that a full and vibrant life is made up of the small, everyday things we often do without thought—those healthy daily habits that help us feel grounded and aligned. While we may think that achieving success and experiencing fulfillment results from sweeping changes and significant action, it’s instead those little moments you weave consistently throughout your day that eventually become a life you love.

So no, your life doesn’t need an overhaul. (Despite ubiquitous ‘New Year, New You’ messaging.) If you’re feeling stuck, it may be time to switch up your daily routine. Again, the aim is for small but meaningful steps; adopting just a few healthy daily habits can make all the difference.

Sure, many of the tips ahead support your physical health. But you’ll also find habits that draw upon the mind-body connection to create a ripple effect for your overall well-being. The adage rings true: it’s often the small changes that make the biggest difference. And these healthy daily habits prove exactly that.

Featured image from our interview with Megan Roup.

Woman journaling.

40 Healthy Daily Habits to Bring Into Your Routine

Tiny modifications here and there can greatly improve your quality of life in so many ways. We already know all the obvious options that keep us feeling our best, but there are plenty of tweaks that can be easily embraced without a lot of effort. We’re all about taking a proactive yet realistic approach toward creating a well-lived life—and these healthy daily habits will help you get there. Let’s dive in.

1. Use a Habit Tracker

No matter what habit you’re trying your hand at, a habit tracker is an efficient and structured way to keep track of your daily responsibilities. This monthly habit tracker is simple and doesn’t require more than a pen or pencil to build a happier, more organized life. It’s free to download and allows you to list several habits and your daily progress throughout the month. Ready to make your dream (goals) a reality? Grab the habit tracker above!

2. Make Time to Read Every Day

Not only is taking time to read an act of self-care, but it can help improve long-term neurological function. It doesn’t matter if you’re a fiction junkie, you love to read memoirs, or you simply want to disappear in a good old-fashioned romance novel. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Woman hiking outside.

3. Go on a Walk

Breathing fresh air while on a walk is sure to improve your mood, clear a muddled head, and offer a moment away from the computer. It’s also an incredibly underrated form of exercise that can strengthen your heart and lungs, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, improve high blood pressure and high cholesterol, ease joint pain, and much more. Put it this way: Walking is a simple, fun, and low-impact way to improve your overall health.

4. Stretch Before Bed

Fall asleep faster, improve blood flow, and relieve muscle tension with a few simple stretches before hitting the hay. After a day of being hunched over a computer, hauling groceries, and generally pushing my body and mind to their limits, few things feel better.

5. Meditate

If you’ve been searching for a surefire way to help reduce stress and anxiety, quiet a buzzing mind, or simply want to go deeper within, give meditation a whirl. I know you’ve heard it before (and as a longtime meditation skeptic, I really do hate to admit this), but it does make a positive impact on one’s well-being.

Skincare products.

6. Use Sunscreen Daily

Regardless of whether it’s a sunny day or not, using sunscreen daily is imperative for both short- and long-term health. Preventing sun damage and cancer is not something that should be taken lightly, and there are so many effective sunscreen options available that you can easily find the one that best fits your skin type and needs. Please don’t make me nag you about this!

7. Spend Time Outside Every Day

Get a breath of fresh air and chase away the blues by spending even just a few minutes outside every day. There are few things that being around some trees, people watching, and looking at the clouds can’t cure.

8. Drink More Water

Did you know that even being mildly dehydrated can affect the body? Make sure you’re drinking enough to get you through the day without impairment (psst… it may be a little more than the eight glasses you’ve been hearing about). The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is about 15.5 cups a day for men and 11.5 cups a day for women.

Sheet pan vegetable hash.

9. Eat More Plants

While being fully vegan or vegetarian is not an option for all, incorporating more plant-based foods into your meals can make a big difference to one’s health. Plant-based foods are full of fiber, minerals, and vitamins that our bodies crave and need. Bonus: They’re delicious!

10. Get a Little Cardio In

Strengthen your heart, lower blood pressure, improve your sleep quality, and so much more with regular cardiovascular exercise. And this isn’t just relegated to workouts! Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk instead of hopping on the bus, or do jumping jacks between Zoom sessions. Even better, throw on some music and dance it out on your lunch break. Everything helps!

11. Ride Your Bike to the Store

Dropping off some mail? Picking up a few ingredients for dinner? Ditch the car and hop on your bike for some chill cardio. Even just 30 minutes on a bike can help build endurance and strengthen your heart. It’s also a great way to clear your mind and enjoy being outdoors. Don’t forget to wear a helmet!

Woman drinking tea.

12. Reduce or Eliminate Alcohol Consumption

Whether you want to redefine your relationship with alcohol, are looking for help quitting, or trying to drink more mindfully, cutting back is almost always a good idea. Reducing alcohol intake can lead to better sleep, mental clarity, weight loss, and lower the risk of heart and liver disease, cancer, and strokes. Try a 30-day reset—even just a month away can provide so much clarity.

13. Cook More

I learned how to cook in my late 20s when I realized that not being able to feed myself was no longer cute. But it took me well into my 30s to understand the joys of cooking at home. Aside from the obvious health benefits (ability to eat a healthier diet and cook with good, fresh, high-quality ingredients) it simply makes me happy! It’s time away from a screen when I can listen to music and create something nourishing and wholesome from scratch.

14. Don’t Forget to Floss

There are few things that are worse on planet Earth than having to floss one’s teeth. The fact that I have to do it every day until I die is an abomination. Unfortunately, it’s incredibly important for one’s overall health. Yes, it’s obviously key for gums and teeth, but did you know that flossing supports heart health? If you’re not an everyday flosser, commit to a month of mindful flossing before bed. Once you make it a healthy daily habit, you won’t be able to imagine skipping it.

Fruit salad.

15. Swap Sugary Desserts for Fresh Fruit

Listen, sometimes you just need a cookie or a piece of cake. And since life is long and hard, you should have it. But if you have been in a habit of eating sweet treats for dessert then it may be time to start mixing it up with a bit of fresh fruit. You get that palate-cleansing burst of sweetness that we all need after a savory meal minus the added sugar overload.

16. Create a Consistent Exercise Practice

Getting your body moving here and there is great and certainly better than nothing. But having a regular workout routine is one of the best things you can do for your body and mind. It’s good for sleep quality, anxiety, and stress, lowers blood pressure, improves cardiovascular and bone health, and more. The list truly goes on and on. Find a workout that best fits your lifestyle and schedule and commit to it. You will be amazed by how good it feels.

17. Replace Coffee With Green Tea

Coffee is a delicious gift from the earth and we can’t get enough of it. That said, replacing it with green tea can come with a whole bunch of health benefits (while still giving you a caffeinated kick!). It can help reduce inflammation, has antioxidants that can help prevent cancer, promotes fat burning, and more.

Woman painting.

18. Pick Up a New Hobby

Whether it’s learning a new language, knitting, trying out a new sport, or volunteering, finding a new hobby is a great way to take some time for yourself daily. It helps expand mental muscles, gets you out of your comfort zone, is a great opportunity to meet new people, and comes with a renewed sense of well-being and confidence. We’re never too old to learn something new.

18. Get Enough Sleep

We all know that awful feeling when we’re sleep-deprived. It’s hard to focus, our bodies feel depleted, and our moods suffer greatly. But did you know that a lack of proper sleep can lead to weight gain, reduce productivity, and increase your risk for heart attack and stroke? Prioritizing sleep is an absolute must.

20. Limit Processed Foods

Sometimes, processed foods are unavoidable. But whenever possible, eating fresh, wholesome food makes a big difference for our general health. (And it’s delicious!) Processed foods contain a lot of hidden sodium, fats, and sugar that can throw your energy out of whack. Your body will thank you.

Woman doing facial rolling.
Image by Teal Thomsen

21. Try Facial Rolling or Gua Sha

This delightful form of self-care not only feels good but also has numerous benefits. It wakes up your skin, stimulates the lymphatic system, and helps with inflammation. Just a few minutes of me-time can set the tone for a happy, healthy day, so why not? Learn more about starting a facial massage routine.

22. Sit Down With Your Journal

Carving out a few minutes in your day to free-write your thoughts is such a healthy practice. Journaling helps you stay in touch with your thoughts and feelings, which can keep them from bottling up and eventually exploding (we’ve all been there). Save yourself the emotional rollercoaster by journaling every day. You won’t regret it!

23. Make Connections

For me, connecting with people is life’s greatest joy. And it’s something that’s so simple but often forgotten in our busy day-to-day. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget to reach out to those around us, which is totally normal and not something to beat yourself up over.

That said, it’s important to connect with the people around us. And it can be as easy as a quick phone call to a loved one or as intentional as a handwritten letter to an old friend. However your connections look, they’re one of those healthy daily habits I think we could all use a little more of.

Woman arranging flowers.

24. Do Something for Yourself

Maybe there’s a new TV series you’ve been dying to start, or you need a manicure/pedicure. Or maybe you could use some good old-fashioned afternoon power nap. Whatever you need, now is the time to make it happen. Doing something for yourself every day keeps you in touch with your mind and body, which can lead you to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

25. And Something for Those Around You

I love to start each day with the intention of doing one thing for myself and one thing for someone else. It can be as simple as delivering bedside coffee to your S.O., sending one of those “checking in, hope you’re having a great week” texts, or writing a loving note to pack in your kiddos’ lunch boxes. Small acts of service like these always put a smile on other people’s faces.

26. Listen to a New Podcast

I know I may lose some of you by saying this, but I haven’t always loved podcasts. When I was first introduced to them, I wasn’t overwhelmingly impressed—which left a bad taste in my mouth and resulted in a “podcast boycott” for a while. It wasn’t until I actively sought out topics and people that interested me that I began to appreciate someone in my ear for hours at a time.

Starting a new podcast can inspire you, push you outside of your comfort zone, and ignite new passions. A podcast is a great way to feed your mind and soul, which is never a bad idea. If you need a place to start, check out our editors’ list of feel-good podcasts or motivational podcasts for a spark of inspiration.

Woman writing at desk.

27. Develop A Morning Routine

Once I had a solid morning routine in place, I started looking forward to waking up (even if it was at an ungodly hour). Implementing skincare, hydration, mindfulness, and a healthy and balanced breakfast into your mornings can have a huge impact on how the rest of your day will turn out.

28. Limit Social Media

Social media can often do more harm than good when it comes to our overall happiness. It’s a great place to share accomplishments, feelings, thoughts, and memories. However, we often find ourselves comparing our realities to others’ posts. This lowers confidence which can then lead to more unhappiness and insecurity. Taking a bit of time off of social media and getting to know yourself is one of the best ways to embrace ourselves as we are. Learn the ins and outs of doing a social media detox.

29. Reduce Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation can be caused by a variety of factors—one of which is the food we consume. There are many foods that can increase inflammation in our body, and while all inflammatory foods cannot be avoided, many can be swapped for healthier options that will lessen the negative impact on our bodies. Following a Mediterranean diet is a great way to incorporate anti-inflammatory foods—such as salmon, avocado, and olive oil—into your meals.

Bath products.

30. Take Breaks in Your Daily Schedule

Whether you work from home or from an office, taking breaks is necessary to sustain optimal levels of focus throughout the day. We’re simply not built to sit and stare at computer screens all day. Instead of staying glued to your chair for eight hours or more, try moving your body every half an hour or hour for ten minutes. This will make sure your muscles stay active, and your brain-to-body connection is strong.

31. Find a Community

Whether it be in the workplace, at a yoga studio, or online, finding a community can play a huge role in building sustainable happiness. On bad days, your community can share positive energy and support. Not only can a community help you work through your immediate emotions, but you just might learn something from your peers.

32. Clean Regularly

Keeping your space organized and disinfected can instantly boost your mood. No more dreading your work days in a cluttered space—we’re turning our homes into our sanctuary. Introduce an oil diffuser to your office, keep cleaning products on hand, and tidy up at the end of each day. Here’s how to start loving your cleaning routine.

33. Focus on Your Posture

This little habit can make such a difference in your long-term confidence. Start to be more conscious about your posture while sitting at your desk or at the dinner table to better your posture throughout the day. Also, doing shoulder stretches and exercises can prevent your neck and shoulders from cramping or tiring while sitting for long periods of time.

Meal prep containers.

34. Think About Meal Prep in Advance

One of my favorite weekend activities is cozying up on the couch and brainstorming a list of meal ideas for the week ahead. This allows you to create an accurate grocery list before getting to the store which will help you budget and save money on food in the long run. Get more of Camille’s top meal prep tips.

35. Make Your Bed

As the critically acclaimed memoir, Make Your Bed says: this small habit can ensure that your mind is focused and your space is neat before your day begins. I’m a firm believer that making my bed (no matter how much I don’t want to) starts my day out on the right foot as the first step in my morning routine. It allows me to feel accomplished as soon as I wake up, which leads to a more productive morning.

Vitamins and supplements.

36. Incorporate Vitamins and Supplements Into Your Diet

Supplements can make all the difference when it comes to your diet. Prioritizing adaptogens such as ashwagandha for stress and taking magnesium for sleep and PMS relief allows you to get the proper rest needed to boost happiness.

37. Color, Paint, or Draw

Having an outlet for creativity is a great way to activate a different part of your brain and think outside the box. Try free-hand painting with no expectations of a result, or invest in an adult coloring book to take with you on the go when inspiration strikes.

38. Try Something New Each Week

Mix up your schedule, try a new restaurant, or walk a different path. Who knows—you may find something unexpected or witness a random act of kindness! To break free from a cycle of unhappiness, you need to reach beyond your norm.

Woman drinking tea.

39. Be Present

Being present in everything you do—whether that be spending time with friends or meditating alone—is key to finding happiness. If you live in the present moment without dwelling on the past or pondering the future, you’ll find that everything can be an opportunity to embrace the joy all around you.

40. Seek Happiness In Everything

Smile at someone on the sidewalk, leave a tip for your favorite barista, or lay on the floor with your pet for a few moments. Wherever you are and whatever you do, find some bit of happiness within everything you encounter.

The post 40 Simple Daily Habits That Will Make You Happier and Healthier appeared first on Camille Styles.

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You Might Be Using Retinol Wrong—Here’s How to Get the Best Results Tue, 23 Jan 2024 11:30:00 +0000 New year, new skin.

The post You Might Be Using Retinol Wrong—Here’s How to Get the Best Results appeared first on Camille Styles.

Hot take: A new calendar year can feel arbitrary. Ditto with setting resolutions. Can you really become a new person when the clock strikes midnight on the first of the year? Maybe not immediately, but I have found that setting small daily intentions actually works. So instead of trying to overhaul everything at once, I use the “new year, new me” fervor to get back into the routines and habits I know make me feel my best. On my list for 2024? Cooking more at home, getting my steps in, and committing to my skincare routine. And as far as that final intention is concerned, number one on my list is *actually* learning how to use retinol.

Starting my day with skincare is crucial to get me on the right track. It reminds me to make time for myself and reinforces the idea that daily action yields long-lasting results.

By far, the ingredient that has given me the most game-changing results is retinol. The vitamin A derivative is beloved by beauty experts and dermatologists for its efficient ability to reap real results. If this is the year you finally start using retinol in your skincare routine, then you’ve found the perfect expert-approved guide.

Woman applying skincare in mirror.
Image by Teal Thomsen

How to Use Retinol: The Ins and Outs

Retinol has the potential to be the most powerful product in your medicine cabinet. But only if you use it correctly. There’s the possibility of an initial purge (when your skin releases all of the built-up toxins at the beginning of your retinol journey, causing breakouts). But with consistent use, the results are extraordinary.

Of course, slathering on any old retinol cream is not enough. Many people use retinol incorrectly, and experience irritation just to quit before the ingredient can truly work its magic.

Retinol Red Flags

  • Jumping in too fast. While it is a magical step in your routine, going too hard, too fast will only irritate your skin.
  • Neglecting moisturizer. Your skin will be going through a lot—moisturizer keeps it nourished and prevents irritation.
  • Ignoring SPF. Retinol makes your skin extra sensitive to the sun. Protect it.
  • Inconsistent use. Retinol only gets results if you’re consistent with your routine.
  • Quitting too soon. Don’t be afraid of the purge! Take it slow and retinol will reward your patience.
Inge Theron headshot.
Image by Teal Thomsen

Meet the Expert: Dr. Nancy Samolitis

To address these application missteps and help you get the most out of your retinol routine, I spoke to Dr. Nancy Samolitis, a board-certified dermatologist. Dr. Samolitis is a retinol-obsessive herself and encourages retinol hopefuls to start slow, pick high-potency products, and even try skin cycling.

Dr. Nancy Samolitis
Dr. Nancy Samolitis, MD, FAAD

Dr. Nancy Samolitis is a Board Certified dermatologist with specialized training in cosmetic dermatology. In addition to providing care for general medical dermatology, she is also the owner/co-founder of Facile Dermatology + Boutique where she specializes in cutting-edge treatments for anti-aging, sun-damaged skin, and more.

Skin cycling went viral on TikTok a few years ago. But unlike some ephemeral trends, this one is dermatologist-approved. Recommended for anyone new to retinol, skin cycling helps build retinol tolerance and supercharges results by alternating nights between retinol, chemical exfoliants, and hydration.

An example of a skin cycling routine might look like:

  • Night 1: Exfoliation. Prep skin with your favorite chemical exfoliant by sweeping away dead skin cells. This allows retinol to penetrate the skin deeper.
  • Night 2: Retinol. Apply retinol on the second night with gentle, moisturizing ingredients.
  • Nights 3 and 4: Recovery. Give your skin a break from the actives for two nights, loading up on ceramides, antioxidants, hydrating factors, and barrier-building ingredients.
Applying skincare.
Image by Belathée Photography

The Basics of Using Retinol

Ahead, Dr. Samolitis shares all the ins and outs of using retinol. With her tips, get ready for the best skin of your life.

Who should use retinol?

Anyone who has acne or wants to take advantage of the anti-aging benefits should use retinol. Even people with sensitive skin can usually build up a tolerance to the potential irritation if it is used carefully.

Who should avoid retinol?

People with active eczema, rosacea, or disrupted skin from a procedure should avoid retinol until their skin is treated or healed. Pregnant and nursing women should also avoid retinol because its safety is unclear. 

How to Start Using Retinol for Best Results

I personally have used retinol (actually, the Rx version, tretinoin) almost every day for the past 25 years. More frequent use will produce the known benefits as most of the studies are done on daily use. It is important to use retinol at a decreased frequency (2-3 days/week) when you are first starting or if your skin is dry or irritated. 

Image by Teal Thomsen

How can skin cycling support your retinol journey?

Skin cycling can help ease your way into using potentially irritating skin care products like retinol and exfoliating acids. In this regimen, you use each of those ingredients for one day and then give your skin a break for several days by using moisturizer alone. If you already tolerate retinol daily, there is no reason to switch to skin cycling, because your benefits and efficacy will be reduced. 

What is the best way to incorporate retinol into your routine?

I recommend using a pea-sized amount on clean skin at night followed by a moisturizing product as needed. The product itself is sensitive to UV light, so that’s why the nighttime application was originally recommended. 

What skincare ingredients pair well with retinol?

My favorite ingredient to pair with retinol is niacinamide. Niacinamide has calming, anti-inflammatory effects, so it helps mitigate any potential irritation. They both have incredible anti-aging benefits that have been proven in medical studies for years. 

How do you know what retinol product is best for you?

Ask your board-certified dermatologist about how to choose a retinol that works best for your skin and with your routine. If you want to start with OTC retinol, choose a medical-grade formulation. Unfortunately, a lot of OTC retinol use such a low strength of retinol in the hopes of increased tolerability, but you then may lose the beneficial effects. 

Washing face in mirror.

The Best Retinol Products for Glowy, Ageless Skin

Every product is curated with care by our editors and we’ll always give an honest opinion, whether gifted or purchased ourselves. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a small commission at no cost to you.

Differin Adapalene Gel 0.1%

We love Differin for a prescription-strength retinol that’s easily available over the counter.

Olay Regenerist Retinol24 Night Moisturizer

Olay’s drugstore retinol is a beauty favorite for a reason. It blends retinol and vitamin B3, a derivative of niacinamide, to address wrinkles and dark spots and promote smoother, brighter skin.

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Adapalene Gel 0.1% Retinoid Treatment

This French pharmacy go-to is an FDA-approved Adapalene formulation with prescription-strength power to regulate skin cell turnover and reveal brand-new skin.

Peter Thomas Roth Retinol Fusion PM Night Serum

This 1.5% strength formula of micro-encapsulated retinol delivers sustained release overnight. It also includes vitamin C and vitamin E for antioxidant benefits.

Retinol Reform Treatment Serum

An encapsulated retinol and lactic acid serum, this pick is gentle yet effective. It contains 2.2% encapsulated retinol and 2% lactic acid to slough away dead skin and speed up cellular renewal.

Clinical 1% Retinol Treatment

Antioxidants, licorice, oat extract, and other soothing ingredients combine with a clinical dosage of 1% retinol. This fast-absorbing lotion enhances hydration while transforming your skin.

Estée Lauder Perfectionist Pro Rapid Renewal Retinol Treatment

High-grade, pure retinol is blended into a stabilized delivery system in this pro-retinol treatment to time-release its power over an extended period. This creates a balanced and potent serum that’s filled with antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and collagen amplifiers.

SkinCeuticals Retinol 1.0 Maximum Strength Refining Night Cream

This super-potent night cream uses the highest concentration of 1.0% pure retinol. It offers stable delivery technology to ensure a steady, even release of the maximum available concentration.

A313 Vitamin A Pommade

Another French pharmacy staple, this retinol cream is a prescription-strength pomade beloved by many as their first foray into vitamin A. It’s a medical-grade ointment you can get over the counter.

Rapid Wrinkle Repair Night Regenerating Cream

See quick results with this clinical blend of retinol, ascorbic acid, hyaluronic acid, and glycerin. Its blend of nourishing and renewing ingredients transforms skin without irritation.

Drunk Elephant A-Passioni Retinol Cream

This holy grail night treatment pairs 1% retinol with a triple peptide blend, helping boost the benefits of retinol.

The post You Might Be Using Retinol Wrong—Here’s How to Get the Best Results appeared first on Camille Styles.

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The One Diet Trend a Nutritionist Says Is Worth Focusing On This Year Tue, 23 Jan 2024 11:00:00 +0000 Spoiler alert: controlling your food is *so* 2023.

The post The One Diet Trend a Nutritionist Says Is Worth Focusing On This Year appeared first on Camille Styles.

I have a love-hate relationship with January. On one hand, it inspires beautiful beginnings, new intentions, and a nourished year ahead. On the other hand, it’s synonymous with forced resolutions and quick-fix diet trends. Year after year, I find myself oscillating between the two: continue relishing a cozy winter season or upheave my habits in lieu of new routines? Rather than pick, I’m flipping the script—a middle ground is calling. If embracing a feel-good relationship with food piques your interest, take a seat. This refreshing approach is all about how to manage blood sugar.

The idea here is this: there’s no need to start a stringent New Year’s diet. Instead, consider leaning into practical dietary principles that take intuitive eating into account. Once and for all, say sayonara to restriction, deprivation, and feeling anything less than deserving of a weekday croissant.

Edie Horstman
Edie Horstman

Edie is the founder of nutrition coaching business, Wellness with Edie. With her background and expertise, she specializes in women’s health, including fertility, hormone balance, and postpartum wellness.

A Breath of Fresh Air, Amidst New Year Mottos

As we turn the calendar over, many of us are tempted by diet culture. But this is no surprise. It’s estimated that over 30 billion (yes, billion) marketing dollars are funneled toward weight loss foods, supplements, and programs in the new year. We’re sold the illusion that a particular diet or exercise regime will make us thin, beautiful, and above all, happy. Feel like you can’t escape weight-shaming messaging in January? You’re not alone. With that in mind, we’re here to plant a different seed—a sustainable take on nourishment. Hello, blood sugar balance.

Woman cooking in kitchen.

Why I’m Not Anti-Weight Loss

Before we tap into all things blood glucose, first thing’s first: while I am anti-diet culture, I’m not anti-fat loss. Yes, I believe these two things can co-exist. Under certain circumstances, losing body fat might be an important and vital goal. Maybe, weight loss is a piece to your health puzzle. For that matter, if your body mass is negatively impacting the quality of your life, it’s worth a conversation with your healthcare provider. Ultimately, losing fat should be for the right reasons: better sleep, a stronger body, improved fertility, balanced hormones, lower risk of chronic disease, more energy, reduced joint pain, and more.

If losing weight is purely for aesthetic reasons—or to accredit body dysmorphia—weight loss will not improve your health. Believe you’re focused on weight loss for unhealthy reasons? Consider NEDA’s supportive team and resources.

Tossing green salad.

There’s No Quick Fix

Spoiler alert! No three-day juice cleanse or 30-day diet is the answer your healthiest body. Can these things kickstart your wellness journey? With the right intentions, sure. But they’re bandaid solutions to a longer-term approach. Instead, prioritize finding your body’s natural set point. This is a range of 5-20 pounds where your body thrives. Within this spectrum, you’re honoring your hunger cues, moving your body routinely, getting quality sleep, and menstruating. Most importantly, you feel good. However, patience is key. It takes time to find your set point. But through trial and error—and without extreme regimes—you can find your body’s natural weight range.

Blood Sugar Balance for Long-Term Health

Speaking of a longer-term approach, let’s talk about blood sugar. Prioritizing stable blood sugar is two-fold: a holistic way to nourish your body and a sustainable strategy to include the foods you love. Think of it as a practical (and attainable!) alternative to following a strict diet. When we focus on maintaining stable blood sugar levels, we support our body’s ability to regulate energy, mood, weight, and hunger effectively! And unlike restrictive diets—that often lead to unsustainable eating patterns—prioritizing blood sugar balance fosters a balanced and inclusive relationship with food.

Stretching to manage blood sugar.

What is blood sugar?

For context, blood sugar (also known as blood glucose) is our main source of energy. It’s a type of sugar we get from the starchier, carb-forward foods we eat. From beets to bagels, the body uses that sugar for energy. As it travels through our bloodstream to our cells, our blood sugar levels rise. With the help of the hormone insulin, glucose travels into our cells where it can be used for fuel. And while we need adequate blood glucose levels to survive, constant sugar spikes are not the goal.

What happens when blood sugar is out of whack?

When blood sugar levels are dysregulated (i.e., from eating too much sugar or not getting enough movement), there are consequences. Short term, frequent spikes can lead to energy fluctuations, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating. But over time, prolonged exposure to these fluctuations may contribute to insulin resistance. And this increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, weight gain, cardiovascular issues, hormonal imbalances, and more.

Fig smoothie ingredients to manage blood sugar.

Easy Tips to Make Blood Sugar a Breeze

When it comes to keeping your blood glucose stable, look no further than your diet and lifestyle.


Focus on building a balanced plate. That means including all three macronutrients—protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. And when possible, pack in fiber-rich ingredients—leafy greens, non-starchy veggies (mushrooms, tomatoes, eggplant, etc.), and seeds. Counter to diet culture, you also need to eat enough. After all, eating less than your caloric needs increases the production of cortisol (our stress hormone). And chronically elevated cortisol causes blood sugar imbalance.


Managing your glucose means getting quality sleep, minimizing stress, and moving your body. Exercise is important for many reasons, but it’s crucial for helping control blood sugar spikes. Movement encourages insulin sensitivity (a good thing!). When you exercise, your muscles absorb sugar from what you eat, naturally lowering blood sugar levels. Good news: no need for intense exercise. In fact, moderate-intensity exercise—like strength training and walking—significantly reduces blood sugar spikes. 

Camille Styles pumpkin bread.

Make Protein a Priority

Along with healthy fats, protein is crucial for blood sugar balance. It slows the absorption of glucose, preventing rapid spikes and crashes. Additionally, a protein-rich diet enhances satiation, helping you stay fuller for longer, and it supports body composition goals (preserving and building lean muscle mass). When in doubt, pair your go-to carbs—oats, pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, cookies, etc.—with protein (like Greek yogurt, eggs, almonds, cottage cheese, tofu, poultry, fish, and protein powder).

Swap Ultra-Processed Foods for Whole Foods

To take this one step further, make colorful foods a priority in 2024. Eat the rainbow! Not only does this support stable blood sugar, but it’s a beautiful way to increase your antioxidants and fiber. When possible, stick to the perimeter of the grocery. Typically, that’s where you’ll find fresh produce, lean proteins, and dairy—nutrient-dense, whole foods. The inner aisles often house ultra-processed and packaged items, which are higher in added sugars, preservatives, and refined carbs (all of which make blood sugar management more difficult!).

Woman in kitchen.

No Need to Give Up the Foods You Love

At some point, we’ve been told that foods like white potatoes and high-sugar fruits will make us overweight, infertile, and sick. Sigh. Unless you have a medical or ethical reason for eliminating certain ingredients, there’s no need to give up foods you love! While there are nutrient-dense options for certain ingredients and recipes, that doesn’t mean you always have to choose them. Your journey to health isn’t a sprint—it’s a lifestyle. Above all else, make 2024 the year you truly connect with your plate in a vibrant, happy, and balanced way.

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Why Tapping Into Your Feminine Energy Could Be the Secret to Leveling Up Your Life Mon, 22 Jan 2024 11:00:00 +0000 Time for a softer approach.

The post Why Tapping Into Your Feminine Energy Could Be the Secret to Leveling Up Your Life appeared first on Camille Styles.

2023 was the Year of the Girl. Across fashion, social media, and in the movies—yes, I’m nodding to the highest-grossing film of 2023 that rose triumphant against the pokes of certain deeply unfunny monologues—themes of girlhood shone through. Maybe it’s a temperature check on where feminism finds itself, standing as a softer contrast to the Girlboss of yore. Or, perhaps it was a collective desire to see the world through Barbiecore-tinted glasses amidst a tumultuous news cycle. The answer lies in a combination of these factors. And while I too leaned into the lightness and joy, I also wondered: is this a regression? (Spoiler, it’s more complicated than that.)

As I mulled over these questions, another seeming social trend began populating my feeds. Quickly, I found myself falling down a “what is feminine energy” rabbit hole. Full transparency: alongside my intrigue was a healthy dose of skepticism. Sure, the ethereal goddess vibes proliferating across my FYP made me want to escape to a remote cabin for a while, but stepping into your feminine energy goes far beyond the visual. And from speaking with Jacq Gould on the subject, I’ve learned these internet-friendly portayals hardly scratch the surface. Claiming your feminine energy is so much more than a trend.

Featured image from our interview with Roti Brown.

How to Claim Your Feminine Energy and Experience Balance in 2024

Gould is the creator behind YOUR INNER BABE, a program designed to help you shift your mindset toward self-love and reconnect with the support all around you. As I’ve grown in my understanding of feminine energy, I knew that Gould would be the perfect person to help me deepen that connection. And if you’re wondering what feminine energy is as well, I hope it’s obvious: you’re exactly where you need to be.

It’s important to note that feminine energy isn’t anything new. The idea is rooted in ancient belief systems, with examples including the yin and yang of Chinese philosophy and the god Shiva and goddess Shakti of Hinduism. The divine masculine energy presents as logical, ambitious, and oriented toward the goal of accomplishing or completing a task. And given the largely patriarchal influence present in our world today—and our society’s partiality for hustle over rest—feminine traits of intuition, creativity, and connection go undervalued and overlooked.

But when we harness and embrace both the masculine and the feminine, we experience a greater sense of inner harmony and peace. Craving that alignment yourself? Ahead, Gould offers her in-depth guide to how leaning into your feminine energy can you help thrive.

Jacq Gould

Jacq Gould is a certified mentality coach, self-connection specialist, and founder of YOUR INNER BABE™, offering virtual group coaching programs, as well as in person workshops and three day retreats.

Reading by fireplace.

What is feminine energy?

The divine feminine has ancient roots and the feminine archetype has been known across many civilizations for centuries. The earth itself was seen as the great mother.

To me, feminine energy refers to the intuitive energy that exists within all of us. The energy that feels softer, more nurturing, and creative. Feminine energy also relates to that subtle wisdom in our bodies. All the healing I believe we hold in our own hearts. When I’m in my own feminine energy, I personally feel my most empowered.

I read something somewhere once that said how the same shade of energy that is found in the divine feminine can also be found in the moon, the ocean, and the trees. Maybe it’s because I’m so visual, but I remember reading that and the visceral feeling that swept over me, like a wave of gratitude. It just felt so beautiful. It could be because all three of those aspects of nature are truly the most healing to me personally. Whenever I need to ground back into myself, spending time by the water, under the moonlight, looking up at the trees, will almost instantly bring me back home.

When we’re in our feminine, we’re connected to who we innately are. Once you grant yourself access to your inner world, you realize your power is infinite.

Feminine energy refers to the intuitive energy that exists within all of us.

Many people associate feminine energy with expected gender traits. How is the concept different?

Terms like divine feminine and divine masculine have nothing to do with gender or sex and everything to do with the duality of energies that exist in everything—similarly to yin and yang. We all have both of these energies and how much of one over the other depends on you.

How does feminine energy differ from masculine energy?

Feminine energy aligns more with feeling into our intuition, our emotions, inner wisdom, and inner-knowing. It encompasses patience and self-trust, allowing us to discover our path forward from the inside out with confidence.

Masculine energy is rooted more in decisive and positive action. Less of the “be” energy and more of the “do.” When I think of masculine energy, I think of traits more along the lines of assertive and rational. To me it embodies focus, drive, power, and leadership, but not at all in a dominant or overly controlling way. In a healthy and healed way. 

Woman journaling on couch.
Image by Teal Thomsen

5 Ways to Tap Into Your Feminine Energy

Getting in touch with your feminine and weaving that energy into your life, creates opportunity for you to feel more abundant and fulfilled. We all read about, talk about, and are constantly consuming things in regards to what it means and how to manifest. However, to truly get what we want, we have to be living in alignment with the energy of our desires.

By simply allowing yourself to tap into your own innate feminine energy, you instantly shift into radiating love, compassion, and creativity into the universe, naturally attracting what you desire and deserve. 

1. Shift into sustainable self-love by auditing the way you speak to yourself

Most of us move through life completely unaware of how loud that negative inner voice is, and how far that unsupportive narrative is pushing us away from the energy in our own hearts. How you speak to yourself can change your whole world. Choose to play an active role in changing that narrative by using affirmations to combat the talk track that’s stopping you from tapping into your intuition and innate wisdom. Your own feminine energy.

I’m a big believer that how we go to bed is how we wake up in the morning. So if we want to feel like we are connected to our feminine, we must go to bed connected to it. I love to close my eyes and say, “I AM” in my own mind. Whatever word I hear in response, be that bold, beautiful, creative, nurturing, empowered, I write it down in my journal. I do this three times, every single night, non-negotiable, because that makes feeling the love I have for myself non-negotiable as well. 

Read more: 60 Positive Affirmations for Women

Woman petting dog.

2. Embrace your feelings

Actually FEEL THEM! Get in the habit of acknowledging whatever is coming up for you and no longer deeming certain feelings as “wrong.” Your emotions are the gateway to your internal power and inner wisdom. When we are tapped into our feminine energy, we allow ourselves to just be. We trust in ourselves and our choices, and we no longer waste time outsourcing for answers or overthinking. We rely solely on our inner wisdom to guide us and tune in before taking action. The more you feel your feelings, the more connected you become.

Your emotions are the gateway to your internal power and inner wisdom.

If you need somewhere to start, you can split your day into three feeling-focused check-in points. Once in the morning, during lunch, and before you go to bed. Place your hands over your heart and softly ask yourself, “how am I feeling?” Whatever feelings you receive, don’t try to change or fix them. No judgment, just notice. Write them either in your journal or the notes app in your phone. You’ll see how quickly they shift and how you instantly feel more tapped into the core of who you are. 

Lighting incense.

3. Give yourself space to just be

Simply learning to sit and be in your own presence helps you connect with your body and gives your mind a chance to ground into the present moment. The more comfortable we are being with ourselves, the more likely we are to set boundaries when someone or something doesn’t feel right. Saying “no” instead of always saying “yes” is one of the quickest ways to tap into your feminine energy. It sends a message to yourself that you’re listening and nurturing your own needs first. 

To truly know what you want and need, you must give yourself permission to find the time and the space to get quiet enough to hear. Those three minutes you have to spare before your next meeting, or those six minutes you rush through before you need to leave the house—choose to fill those consciously with you. Choose to fill them with your breath and with your presence. This allows your nervous system to shift into a state of calm and connectedness.

You strengthen your capacity to handle stress this way. You tone your inner resilience this way. You expand your ability to feel safe being you this way. You tap into your feminine energy instantly this way.

Woman journaling.
Image by Jenn Rose Smith

4. Connect with your body

This is a big one—the one most overlooked, prolonged, or ignored because most of us have a hard time living and being in our bodies. Whether that has to do with skewed societal norms or familial conditioning, you have a choice to break the barriers you have around sensuality. I promise you, it’s worth it.

There are many ways to connect with your body. Breathwork, dancing, yoga, self-massage, or even just doing things that evoke your senses, like smelling incense or candles, eating hot or cold foods, listening to music, or fresh air. Anything that allows you to reconnect with your body and its inner wisdom creates opportunities to notice the subtle energies and emotions within us. This also creates a foundation for self-trust. Lean into the self-trust by making promises to yourself and keeping them.

Start small with something like, “I promise to take three deep breaths with my hands on my heart immediately after my eyes open in the morning.” Follow through with it for a week, then add on another promise that is rooted in deepening your connection to your body.

You’ll be amazed at how much a strong foundation of self-trust and body connectedness can bring out your inner feminine. 

Camille Styles arranging flowers.

5. Express your creativity

Whether it’s through writing, painting, singing, or even personal style, our inner landscape, thoughts, dreams, and feelings all flow through our creative practices. The feminine is innately creative, but if you struggle with feeling that spark of creativity, you can start with a three-minute, feeling-focused brain dump in the morning.

Put your hands on your heart and breathe. While you’re breathing, ask yourself, “how am I feeling?” Whatever it is, write it at the top of the page and put the pen to paper. Write with a stream of consciousness. There is no right or wrong thing to say.

Journaling is what allowed me to initially tap into my feminine energy. It created a space for me to feel, express, and explore myself in ways I didn’t even know I needed. It allowed me to see that my entire world was inside of me, woven through my perspectives and embedded in my heart.

To be able to find the peace I was craving (the peace that being tapped into your feminine allows), I have to be at peace with myself first. And to truly enjoy life (the way living in your feminine allows you to), I have to first enjoy who I am. Once I allowed myself to accept this, I gave myself the greatest gift—my divine feminine power.

The post Why Tapping Into Your Feminine Energy Could Be the Secret to Leveling Up Your Life appeared first on Camille Styles.

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I Started Romanticizing My Cleaning Routine—Now, It’s My New Favorite Ritual Sun, 21 Jan 2024 14:34:39 +0000 The ultimate Sunday reset.

The post I Started Romanticizing My Cleaning Routine—Now, It’s My New Favorite Ritual appeared first on Camille Styles.

What isn’t made better by a routine? Even the most mundane and monotonous chores can be something to look forward to with a little mindset tweaking. (And of course, a few built-in rewards along the way.) That’s why we love the concept of romanticizing everything in your life. From your wake-up call to those sacred morning minutes spent sipping your coffee—everything is made better and brighter with a romantic twist. Your cleaning routine, included.

If you find yourself putting the task off until Sunday, you’re in good company. And while I’ve always loved the idea of a total Sunday reset—and regularly practice one myself—I’ve found over the years that leaving everything until the end of the week isn’t a solid way to spark joy. (Incite a meltdown is more accurate.) Instead, I’ve learned to sprinkle in small tasks throughout the week as a way to make life a little easier—and help my home sparkle more.

Featured image from our interview with Jessie and Brian De Lowe.

Bedroom cleaning routine.

How to Romanticize Your Cleaning Routine

The benefit of switching up my cleaning routine goes beyond a tidier house. By weaving smaller, more consistent “tidy-ups” into my week, I’ve learned to embrace cleaning as less of a chore and instead something to honor myself and my space. Alongside the habits that support our body and mind, I believe that caring for ourselves asks us to express this self-love in our homes as well.

So, as we begin transitioning into spring cleaning season, I’d argue it’s time we learn to love our cleaning routines. Too much? Just wait—I guarantee these tips will have you looking forward to your tidy-up time, too. To dive deeper into the topic and share her expert cleaning tips, I called upon Allison Evans, co-founder of the cult-favorite cleaning brand, Branch Basics. Ahead, we discuss strategies for tackling the mess and how doing so can help you craft a happier life at home.

Every product is curated with care by our editors and we’ll always give an honest opinion, whether gifted or purchased ourselves. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a small commission at no cost to you.

Allison Evans

Branch Basics co-founder Allison Evans has dedicated herself to helping others reap the benefits of clean living. Removing toxins from her home and diet helped her overcome chronic pain and severe PCOS, and then several years later, a bad mold exposure and symptoms of chronic Lyme disease. She has three young girls (something she was told would never happen naturally) and is passionate about helping others experience greater healing as she did.

Bright home office space.

Create a Strategic Schedule

As I said, your cleaning routine shouldn’t take place over a single day. Instead, be realistic and help your future self out. Just as time batching can help you work more efficiently, Evans suggests focusing on one task or one room at a time. “Vacuum/clean all your floors or do all your laundry in one day,” she encourages. “That’ll shorten up your daily room-by-room routine. Using the time-delay feature on your washer can also help get more laundry done while you sleep.”

She also promotes the idea of reframing cleaning as interval training, aiming to get as much done in a certain amount of time as possible. Evans explains how it’s done:

“Every day you pick a room, assign a household member to it, and dedicate 5-15 minutes to cleaning it. How much time it takes depends on the size and scope of the room. The point is to spend a little time every day as opposed to a huge, overwhelming chunk of time once a week. And forget perfection. Good enough is good enough, and it’ll get better the more you practice.”

Invest in Beautiful and Non-Toxic Cleaning Supplies

IYKYK—in the spirit of curating a healthy home and limiting our exposure to endocrine disruptors—we’re obsessed with non-toxic cleaning products. Not only does ditching chemical-laden cleaners ensure a safer home environment, but the “clean” replacement products often smell better, too. (A key step in romanticizing anything is creating a sensory experience.)

Before investing in a clean and sustainable arsenal of products, my under-sink cabinet left much to be desired. And there was no way I was using anything my phthalates-filled bottle touched without a proper air-out. Now, instead of a cracked plastic laundry bin, I have a French laundry basket I love. When it comes to splurging on anything, make the smart investment on beautiful things you regularly use.

Woman making bed.

Habit Stack

It’s one of our favorite ways to tackle any goal. Habit stacking is the process of adding a desired behavior onto one you already do with ease. Example: Saying three positive affirmations in the mirror while brushing your teeth. Evans loves applying the technique by listening to a podcast or audiobook while she cleans and topping things off with a face mask. Ready to feel motivated and inspired to tackle that cleaning task you’ve been putting off? Try tacking on any of the habits below.

  • Press play to a podcast. Follow Evans’ advice and listen to a high-vibe favorite or the audiobook you’ve been dying to get to the end of. Or use this time to indulge in a little true crime.
  • Put on a face mask. I’m obsessed with Evans’ tip and love the idea of doing double-time with my skincare while I scrub. Hydrating face masks are a must during winter.
  • Strap on your Bala bangles. I finally bought the Bala bangles everyone’s obsessed over for years—and yes, I’m now a believer myself. If you can’t make it to your mat, add a little resistance to what’s already a functional workout. Get ready to work up a sweat.

Slow Down and Savor

This is where mindset comes in. While I love Evans’ idea of interval training when I’m short on time, I also try to be present and purposeful in my cleaning. If you can, try lighting a candle in the room before cleaning it. Or, if the weather allows, open the window and let in a little fresh air. Yes, the goal is to work toward a clean and tidy space, but it’s also about learning to enjoy the process along the way. When you’re done, set a vase of flowers or cut branches on a previously-cluttered surface. I like to think of it as a little gift to myself and the space.

Modern living room.

Give Yourself Grace

And express gratitude along the way. A sometimes messy home is an inevitability of life, and it’s a reminder to embrace every day as perfectly imperfect. Maybe you didn’t have time to tackle the laundry over the weekend as you planned to, or perhaps the junk drawer is earning its name. Whatever the case, make the active decision to express kindness and understanding when hiccups in your routine crop up. Then proceed in whatever way is available to you in that moment.

A final note on creating a cleaning routine you love: remember that messes exist for a reason. As Evans says, “I like to take the mindset of thankfulness by remembering how much I love and am grateful for the mess-makers in my life.” Instead of getting annoyed at your kids’ clutter or partner’s stack of papers, express gratitude for their presence in your home and the life and love they bring to your space.

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Forget Nightcaps—Experts Swear by the “Sleepy Girl Mocktail” for the Best Sleep of Your Life Sun, 21 Jan 2024 11:00:00 +0000 Rest easy.

The post Forget Nightcaps—Experts Swear by the “Sleepy Girl Mocktail” for the Best Sleep of Your Life appeared first on Camille Styles.

We’re rounding out the third week of the year, and still—In-and-Out lists crowd our social feeds. But amidst all the niche trends and constant shifting of “core” fashions, a common thread prevails: prioritizing better sleep. This year and beyond, we’re aiming for 8+ hours and waking up feeling revitalized and restored. One way we’re making that happen? Sleepy Girl Mocktails.

Sleep is a necessary act of self-care, and I’m of the anecdotal (and research-backed) opinion that it’s one of the best little treats you can give yourself. But the pursuit of good sleep doesn’t exist in a vacuum. As is true for all areas of wellness, one-and-done solutions rarely work. Instead, it’s through building supportive habits and rituals that we craft a healthy life. That’s why our nighttime rituals are so key, setting ourselves up for a successful night of sleep ahead. Stretching, journaling, and maybe even taking a bath are all favorites—and we love sipping on a Sleepy Girl Mocktail to help us drift off.

Featured image from our interview with Janessa Leoné by Teal Thomsen.

Woman drinking water on bed.

Why Sleepy Girl Mocktails Are Key to a Good Night’s Sleep

Originating from the source of so many wellness trends—TikTok—the Sleepy Girl Mocktail dominated our feeds in 2023 and shows no signs of slowing down. We have influencer Gracie Norton to thank for this functional deliciousness.

In her viral video, Norton blends the three-ingredient bevvy with a mixologist’s precision, combining a teaspoon of Moon Juice’s Magnesi-Om with a cup of tart cherry juice. Mix that with an electric frother then transfer to a wine glass with ice. Finish it off with a splash of Lemon Lime OLIPOP. If you find yourself halfway through Dry January missing your evening Pinot, the Sleepy Girl Mocktail is a fun and fizzy substitute.

But all deliciousness aside—does the Sleepy Girl Mocktail work? (As in, could it be a golden ticket ingredient to a blissful slumber?) We went to the source, asking Amanda Chantal Bacon, the founder and CEO of Moon Juice. Ahead, we discuss all things Sleepy Girl Mocktails, magnesium, and how to drink to the best sleep of your life. And scroll to the end for our favorite sleep-inducing sips.

Amanda Chantal Bacon

Amanda Chantal Bacon is a chef, cookbook author, and the Founder & CEO of Moon Juice.

Tea Sleepy Girl Mocktails
Image by Teal Thomsen

The Sleepy Girl Mocktail consists of pure tart cherry juice, magnesium powder, and topped off with OLIPOP for a little fizz. Can you speak to the sleep-supporting benefits of these three ingredients combined?

The naturally occurring melatonin from the tart cherry works synergistically with the magnesium and L-theanine for a yummy sleepy nightcap. Magnesium is a biological essential for relaxation, and relaxation is the necessary ingredient for us to wind down and sleep through the night! It modulates GABA activity in the brain, meaning it helps stimulate the neurotransmitter that relaxes your mind and body. 

There are countless magnesium powders and supplements on the market. What sets Moon Juice apart?

Magnesium had done such incredible things for me mentally and physically for years, but there wasn’t anything on the market that was bioavailable, clean, and in a delicious drink form. So I got together with a scientist and we sourced the best forms of 3 magnesiums that work on relaxation and keeping you regular (daily poop!), and L-theanine.

Woman reading on bed.

When should we be consuming the Sleepy Girl Mocktail/a magnesium powder for optimal sleep?

Ideally 1-2 hours before sleep or whenever you are looking to relax and calm down from your day. It feels so good, your body will crave it every night so it’s an easy routine to create. 

Advanced stress hack: On high-stress days, you can microdose 1/4 teaspoon in water four times throughout the day. When you’re stressed, the body uses up magnesium at a faster rate to help you relax and remove excess cortisol. This, in turn, leaves you depleted in magnesium, making you feel even more stressed. Replenishing consistently helps break the stress loop.

Do you personally drink the mocktail?

I prefer to keep it simple and mix our magnesium with regular or mineral sparkling water and ice.

Any other favorite before-bed drinks you’d recommend?

On nights when I am traveling or need a little extra help falling asleep, I take Sleepy Magnesi-Om which includes .3 mg of plant-based melatonin, two forms of magnesium, and L-theanine. The lighter dosage of melatonin is scientifically proven to improve sleep quality by gently signaling to the brain that it’s time for sleep, without oversaturating receptors.

Reading and drinking tea.

Our Favorite Sleepy Girl Mocktails and Recipes

Though magnesium, cherry juice, and fizzy soda make the signature Sleepy Girl Mocktail, there are plenty of other mocktails and teas that can help you wind down and rest easy. Ahead, discover our tried-and-true favorite sippers, including a soothing golden milk recipe and adaptogen-fueled hot cocoa.

Every product is curated with care by our editors and we’ll always give an honest opinion, whether gifted or purchased ourselves. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a small commission at no cost to you.

Sleepy Magnesi-Om

Prep for a night of restful sleep without any morning grogginess. Improve sleep quality, relieve stress, and support relaxation with the tastiest trifecta of melatonin, magnesium, and L?theanine. Bonus: Your bright-pink glass will look gorgeous on your feed.

Goldthread Lavender Bliss (6-Pack)

I often diffuse lavender essential oil before sleep, but the blissful herb makes for a soothing and effective before-bed sipper, too. The blend of chamomile, elderflower, and lavender is perfect for nighttime sleep support, but I also enjoy it throughout the day whenever my body craves a little bliss.

Dream Sparkling Water (12-Pack)

Take this as a sign to ask more from your sparkling water. Refreshingly fruity, Élevé pairs two nervines—skullcap and valerian—with blueberry and lavender to whisk you off to a calming, restorative sleep.

Anima Mundi Lucid Dreaming Tea

The ritual of preparing this sleepy tea is calming in and of itself. Ashwagandha, passionflower, skullcap, tulsi, rose petals, and more combine in a beautiful blend that’s perfect paired with your nighttime read.

Rest & Rewind

This mint tea blend is my latest wellness obsession. Lemon balm and 5-Hydroxytryptophan help you fall (and stay) asleep faster while polyphenols and antioxidants promote healthy aging. Simply stir into warm water 30 minutes before bedtime. Your new nightly ritual—unlocked.

Golden milk recipe.

Golden Milk

As for DIY blends that support a good night’s sleep, golden milk is an all-time favorite. It’s cozy, anti-inflammatory, and subtly spicy. While all of the elixir’s ingredients promote well-being (cardamom, ginger, and pink Himalayan salt included), it’s turmeric that stands out. The functional herb’s active ingredient, curcumin has been proven to boost immunity and improve digestion. If you’re looking to feel better in all areas of your life, enjoy a cuppa, stat.

Golden Turmeric

Vibrant in both color and taste, this golden-hued blend makes for a quick and easy latte. We also love a scoop in smoothies, yogurt, and oatmeal—your options are endless.

Illuminate (60 Capsules)

I take these calming capsules daily and can confirm: they’re the easiest way to activate your inner peace. Thanks to the blend of CBD, turmeric, licorice root, and other functional ingredients, this TCM-informed supplement relieves anxiety, reduces tension, and promotes a clear mind. (All crucial components in getting your best-ever sleep.) I love including the emptied capsules in the brand’s Golden Milk Illumi-Latte recipe. So good.

Adaptogenic Hot Chocolate

Adaptogenic Hot Chocolate

Your favorite Swiss Miss packets just got a wellness-approved upgrade. Instead of the sugar-laden classic, this adaptogenic twist leans on raw organic cacao, ashwagandha, and cordyceps to help relieve stress and support digestion. I’ll be sipping on this from now through the spring—and honestly, beyond.

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Healing Your Gut Starts with the Microbiome—Dr. Steven Gundry Explains Tue, 16 Jan 2024 13:51:44 +0000 Transformative tips from his latest book.

The post Healing Your Gut Starts with the Microbiome—Dr. Steven Gundry Explains appeared first on Camille Styles.

It’s true for nearly all wellness buzzwords: we may hear it everywhere, but how quickly can we actually define the term? (Without sneaking a glance at our phone.) Colostrum, probiotics, and yes—gut health. Knowing this, the Camille Styles team has taken it upon ourselves to interview experts on the cutting edge of every wellness trend. And as a result, give our readers the clarity they deserve. Today, we sat down with Dr. Steven Gundry to discuss all things gut health—and why prioritizing it can be the key to optimal well-being.

Featured image from our interview with Roxana Saidi by Suruchi Avasthi.

Dr. Steven Gundry on His New Book, Gut Check—and How to Maintain a Healthy Microbiome

Because our gut is the control center for nearly all of the body’s systems and processes, we take supporting it seriously. From microbiome-boosting foods to the lifestyle habits that impact it, where wellness is concerned, gut health is always top of mind. And when it comes to the trending topic, no one’s more qualified to speak on it than Dr. Steven Gundry. Having worked in medicine for over 40 years as a cardiothoracic surgeon and heart surgeon, the MD has adopted a proactive focus, stating his mission “to improve your health, happiness, and longevity by making simple changes to your diet.” And in his latest book, Gut Check, Dr. Gundry makes a convincing argument for his holistic approach.

Read on for our conversation with Dr. Gundry, in which he outlines actionable tips for improving gut health, his take on supplementation, and the first two steps to take on your healing journey. And be sure to scroll to the end for his go-to snack cake recipe. Bonus: It’s a mainstay in his Gut Check food plan.

Dr. Steven Gundry

Steven Gundry MD, F.A.C.S., F.A.C.C., is a cum laude graduate of Yale University with special honors in Human Biological and Social Evolution. After graduating Alpha Omega Alpha from the Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine, Dr. Steven Gundry completed residencies in General Surgery and Thoracic Surgery at the University of Michigan and served as a Clinical Associate at the National Institutes of Health for years. Dr. Gundry is the author of numerous books, including Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution, The Plant Paradox, The Plant Paradox Cookbook, and his latest, Gut Check.

Pouring tea.

Can you distill gut health to its core definition and highlight why we should prioritize it?

25 hundred years ago, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said that all disease begins in the gut. I’ve spent the last 25 years finding out how right he was!

The complex ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, and worms (yes, worms) that live in our intestines (the microbiome) communicates via a “language” to all cells in our body and controls most functions that we take for granted, even our emotions and hormones. We have systematically starved and poisoned this integral partner of our health with antibiotics. [Ones] that we take, or that are fed to animals that we eat, or are sprayed on so many of our grain crops. 

Furthermore, as the saying goes, “Good fences make good neighbors.” As much as we are dependent on our microbiome, they need to stay on their side of the gut wall—a single-cell thick layer that has the same surface area as a tennis court. When this wall is damaged, it results in “leaky gut,” which allows food particles and bacteria to pass through the fence, resulting in inflammation. [My book] Gut Check shows how this happens to most of us and how to fix it. 

Woman making lemon water.

Once someone commits to healing their gut, how long does it take to experience true transformation? What would that look and feel like?

For most of my patients, it takes 6-12 months to heal leaky gut and to restore the complex gut microbiome diversity. We can measure these changes using simple blood tests and watch the progress. Thankfully, within a couple of weeks, most patients notice important changes in how they feel, their bowel movements, their mood, etc.

You explain that it’s not what we eat, but our ability to digest and process beneficial nutrients that matters. What are concrete, actionable ways we can improve our body’s processing system? 

After 25 years of measuring these changes every 3 months in my patients, I can say that removing wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, and other pseudo-grains from the diet is a great start. 100% of my patients with leaky gut have antibodies to the various components of wheat and grains. By following this program, these issues are resolved and disappear.

Grapefruit, beet, and avocado salad.

You write that “working closely with my patients to restore their gut biome and gut wall leads to remarkable health transformations, healing […] Alzheimer’s disease and dementia […].” To confirm, are Alzheimer’s and dementia reversible through healing the gut?

There is increasing evidence that memory loss, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and neuropathy begin in the gut. As I write in the book, “leaky gut equals leaky brain!” In my experience, there is a point where these changes can be stopped and reversed if caught early enough, but sadly, less is possible the longer treatment is delayed. 

You offer a comprehensive Gut Check Food Plan. Is this indicative of an ideal eating plan if healing your gut is your goal? How much “wiggle room” is there to stray from the plan while still keeping your gut generally healthy?

My food plan reflects what I’ve learned from my patients’ habits and blood work over the past 25 years. While I have many very motivated and “perfect” patients, most, including myself, stray from time to time. So, the less you “cheat,” the faster you heal. 

Woman peeling citrus.

What is your stance on prebiotic and probiotic supplementation? Do you have favorite brands/products for supporting gut function?

I have learned that there are multiple ways to restore the gut ecosystem including probiotics and prebiotics. But what surprises most people is that it’s the postbiotics primarily from fermented foods that make the real difference. In other words, plain yogurts and kefirs, low-sugar kombucha, vinegars, black coffee, tea, and even extra-dark chocolate, red wine, and aged cheeses are all great sources of postbiotic-containing foods. 

What surprises most people is that it’s the postbiotics primarily from fermented foods that make the real difference.

Your book comprehensively covers the process of healing your gut. How would you encourage someone to take to begin this journey in the most efficient, optimized way?

Two simple steps: maximize your Vitamin D3 intake to at least 5,000-10,000 IUs a day, and remove grains and pseudo-grains from your diet. And, for more dos and don’ts, follow the “yes please” and “no thank you” lists in Gut Check.

Pick up Gut Check wherever books are sold—and keep reading for the gut-healing snack cake Dr. Gundry swears by.


Chocolate Goat Milk Yogurt Snack Cake with Pistachio Butter Drizzle

  • Author: Dr. Steven Gundry
  • Yield: Serves 8 to 10


I think the trend of snack cakes—single-layer cakes with a fun drizzle or frosting—is fantastic. It means that you always have a dessert on hand or something to serve guests. And this snack cake bakes so easily, it’s the perfect thing to make on a weeknight—or whenever a sugar craving strikes.



for the cake:

  • Olive oil spray
  • 2 large pasture-raised eggs
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened goat milk yogurt
  • 1/2 cup allulose
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons almond extract
  • 1 cup blanched almond flour
  • 1/2 cup natural unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon iodized sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

for the drizzle:

  • 1/4 cup pistachio butter
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened goat milk yogurt
  • 1/8 cup allulose
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Zest of 1 orange or tangerine


  1. Preheat your oven to 325 F. Grease an eight-inch cake pan with olive oil spray and set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, yogurt, allulose, vanilla extract, and almond extract.
  3. In another bowl, whisk together the almond flour, cocoa powder, salt, and baking soda. Fold the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and stir until well combined. Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan. Bake at 325 F until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean, 30 to 35 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool.
  4. While the cake is cooling, make the drizzle: Whisk together the drizzle ingredients and keep stirring until the allulose has melted into the mixture and is no longer granular. Drizzle over the room temperature cake and serve.
  5. Store the leftovers (if there are any!) in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Recipe image by Claudia Curici.

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41 Unique Valentine’s Day Ideas to Make Your S.O. Smile Mon, 15 Jan 2024 11:30:00 +0000 No clichés in sight.

The post 41 Unique Valentine’s Day Ideas to Make Your S.O. Smile appeared first on Camille Styles.

When the second week of February rolls around each year, Adam and I inevitably look at each other a little bewildered and ask, “So… what should we do for Valentine’s Day?” Most of the traditional ideas can feel a little cheesy (not to mention overpriced), so I’m always on the hunt for unique Valentine’s Day ideas that still feel romantic and special.

I remember the first year we celebrated Valentine’s Day as a couple. We cooked a really fancy dinner at Adam’s place, complete with steak and chocolate soufflés. It was so memorable that we’ve tried to do something outside the box every year since. Whether you’re coupled up or single, keep scrolling for 41 unique Valentine’s Day ideas that will ensure your holiday is actually fun, with no clichés in sight.

Couple looking at view.

41 Unique Valentine’s Day Ideas to Try This Year

1. Go to a drive-in concert. Bonus points for dressing up and bringing your own lawn chairs and snacks.

2. Screen a romantic movie. Create a private theater at home complete with a projector—and of course, all the snacks. Just add popcorn, Raisinets, and two pairs of cozy socks.

3. Go roller skating. Or ice skating. The goal here is to channel your favorite hand-holding scene in just about every classic rom-com.

4. Host a karaoke night in your living room. This personally sounds like my vision of hell, but I know it’s right up some of your alleys. Plus, if you were born with the voice of an angel, this could be a great strategy for making them fall in love with you on the spot.

5. Take an early morning hike to watch the sunrise. I know, I know—sounds kind of painful. But there’s nothing more magical than watching the sun come up. Plus, getting up that early to break a sweat is a total bonding experience.

6. Take a virtual cooking class. Bonding over pots of marinara and pans of tiramisu? Sign me up! When it comes to unique Valentine’s Day ideas, food is always a good idea.

7. Put together care packages for the homeless. Stuff paper bags or shoe boxes with food, water, socks, hand wipes, etc., and keep them in your car for the next time you drive past someone in need. It’s pretty cool to see your S.O. serving others and dedicating their free time to a worthy cause. You’ll likely fall in love with each other all over again.

8. Host an at-home art night. Whether this means sketching in an adult coloring book, making a collage of your favorite photos together, or streaming a documentary, it’s sure to get your creative juices flowing.

9. Schedule a tasting at a winery or brewery. There’s nothing better than a trip to your favorite spot. Or, if you want a more low-key experience at home, buy three bottles of wine: one that is $25, one that is $15, and one that is $10. Cover the bottles in foil and mix them around, then try to guess which is which! It’s pretty surprising sometimes.

10. Pick up your favorite take-out and drive to a scenic location for stargazing. When was the last time you and your S.O. looked at the stars together? There’s something about gazing at the nighttime sky that reminds us of the vastness of the universe—and how lucky you are to have found each other in it.

S'mores by the fire - unique valentine's day ideas.

11. Camp it up. While a get-lost-in-the-woods date can be just the adventure many of us are looking for, there are others who’d rather camp out in the living room. Whether you were a scout in a past life or have never spent a night in the great outdoors, there are plenty of ways to tailor this date for a magical evening (hello, glamping). Just don’t forget the marshmallows.

12. Take a virtual dance class. Check out YouTube instructors that offer salsa or swing instruction. Perfect your dance moves for the next time you go to a wedding or a country bar.

13. Recreate your first date. For Adam and me, this would involve a dive-y Chinese restaurant, Peking Duck, and one too many glasses of chardonnay. If you’ve been together a long time, you’ll undoubtedly have fun laughing about those early days, and it may even be a valuable reminder of why you fell so deeply in love in the first place. Be creative about how to recreate your dates at home! Pick up takeout from the restaurant, dim the lights, use tablecloths, or any unique aspects that a specific restaurant has.

14. Take a “staycation” at a favorite local hotel. I think every couple should splurge once in a while and spend the night away, even when a full-blown vacation isn’t in the cards. Order room service, watch a movie, jump in the hot tub, and sleep in.

15. Pack a picnic and bike ride to somewhere special together. There is something so special about riding bikes together to a special spot to indulge in a picnic together. Pack your favorite cheeses with dips and snacks in a picnic basket—don’t forget the bottle of wine!

16. Make breakfast in bed. Nothing beats feeding each other bites of pancakes while you’re snuggled under the covers. Whether you want something healthy and vibrant or are craving your favorite comfort food (again, pancakes), as long as you’re getting in the kitchen together and sharing a meal, you really can’t go wrong with this date.

17. Travel by train. This idea might be a little more involved, but it’s nothing a little planning can’t make happen. Train travel lets you take in your surrounding sights in the most relaxing way possible. You don’t even have to set out with a specific destination in mind—it’s all about the journey.

18. Theme your date night. Date nights are great and all, but when you center it around a specific theme, you can immerse yourself in a whole new experience. And, of course, nothing says romance like a little jaunt to France. Want all the Parisian vibes without having to get on a plane? Make a playlist of all your favorite French music, plan a French-ified menu, and transform your dining room into the chicest French restaurant, no matter where you are.

19. Make a vision board. Sharing your dreams and setting the foundation for future plans to come is the ultimate way to connect. You can each create your own vision board or collaborate on one together. It’s a fun and inspiring process and can guide conversations for what you each want for yourselves and your shared goals as a couple. For steps on how to get started, check out our guide to vision boarding.

20. Ask questions designed to build intimacy. These 50 questions are designed to help deepen your relationship. Trust us, you’ll spend all night reflecting on them.


21. Explore a local bookstore. You don’t have to be a bookworm for this to be a best-ever date (although, bonus points if you are). Head out and browse the stacks! Select a read for yourself or pick one for your partner. When you get home, curl up on the couch and read side-by-side. Nothing like a little literature to set the mood.

22. Read your favorite “Modern Love” stories. Who else skims Sunday’s Style section for these vignettes of real-life romance and heartbreak? If you’re already a fan, help your partner get on board. Pick an essay from the archives and take turns reading them to each other. You’ll get a glimpse into a life unlike your own, as each story is a window into unique perspectives on, and experiences with, love.

23. Get competitive. Game night anyone? Care to challenge your S.O. to a round of tennis? Whatever your competition of choice, gear up! There’s nothing like a little healthy competition to get the sparks flying.

24. Bake a new recipe together. PSA: Valentine’s Day dessert doesn’t have to involve chocolate. In fact, some of the best draw upon unique flavors and clever spins on classics. This is one of those unique Valentine’s Day ideas with endless possibilities.

25. Recreate each other’s favorite cocktails/mocktails. Even if you don’t consider yourself a mixologist, you can have a little fun getting creative at your home bar. Ask (or guess!) each other’s favorite drinks and make them at home. It’s a kind gesture that will make them—and you—feel seen in your tastes and preferences.

26. Play Esther Perel’s conversation game, “Where Should We Begin?” With prompts like “Share something that’s changed your worldview” and questions that ask you to share what’s been keeping you up at night, trust that there’s no holding back. Get your copy here.

27. Write a letter to your S.O. for them to open next year. Who wouldn’t love receiving a letter that took you back to where your relationship was the year prior? Reflect on your feelings, thoughts, and what you love most about them in this moment. It’s a touching gesture and one that you’re both likely to keep stored in your dressers forever.

28. Find out each other’s enneagram. If you haven’t heard, intentional personality tests are back. (Key word being “intentional”—there’s nothing hokey about them.) Discovering each other’s enneagrams is an eye-opening way to dive deeper into what makes your partner tick. Learn all about the enneagram—and what it says about your personality.

29. … or uncover your love languages. If you haven’t done a deep dive yet, understanding the love languages (and knowing which best describes you and your partner) provides insight into how you each give and receive love. Consult our guide to all the love languages.

Ceramic mugs.

30. Try your hand at pottery. This can be a fun (and sometimes messy) way to get to know your S.O. and express yourselves in a non-conventional way. Plus, air-dry clay is inexpensive and makes for a fun at-home experience.

31. Enjoy a couples massage. Everyone comes out of this activity winning. A massage also won’t occupy your entire day, but you’re sure to feel your best after!

32. Scrapbook. Taking a walk down memory lane is always a great way to reconnect on Valentine’s day. Start a scrapbook with any pictures you have lying around, or print some beforehand and get comfy.

33. Watch (or go to) a comedy show. What’s better than laughing until your stomach hurts? Comedy shows are a great conversation starter, and you’ll be sure to come out of it with a smile.

34. Get outside. Even simply taking a stroll around the neighborhood or walking your furry friend can be a great way to spend quality time together. Bonus points if you keep your phones off.

tokyo street

35. Visit somewhere new. It doesn’t have to be a cross-country trip, but driving 30+ minutes can be a great way to experience some novelty. Maybe you find your new favorite coffee shop or a local boutique. Either way, this adventure falls into the category of unique Valentine’s Day ideas that won’t leave you bored.

36. Have a rock, paper, scissors night. This trend originated on TikTok and involves you playing rock, paper, scissors to decide the events of the evening. Whoever wins gets to choose the next stop, and the game can go on for as many places as you’d like to visit.

37. Have an at-home spa night. A spa of any kind is a great way to relax and feel rejuvenated with your partner. Whip out that gua sha that’s been collecting dust and prep for a little zen.

38. Catch a theater performance or ballet. If you’re into the arts, check your local theaters for performances on or around Valentine’s Day.

39. Learn a new skill. Pickleball is still trending—why not give it a try as a unique Valentine’s Day idea? If you’re not feeling sporty, pick something you and your partner have always wanted to dabble in and spend the day trying it.

40. Do the thing that brought you together. Did your first date involve competitive mini-golfing? Or maybe it was cooking at home. Wherever the spark originated, spend Valentine’s Day reconnecting by doing exactly that.

41. Take a luxurious trip. Sure, some years, we keep the holiday casual. Others? We like to lean into a little luxury. I’ve heard amazing things about Kohler Village in Wisconsin, and this year, they’re embracing the theme of indulgence with their Celebration of Chocolate. Book a stay for you and your S.O. and enjoy everything from ice skating to curated wine pairings to yes—plenty of chocolate.

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It’s Time to Go After What You Want—an Editor’s 6-Step Guide to Making It Happen Sat, 13 Jan 2024 11:00:00 +0000 Endless possibility.

The post It’s Time to Go After What You Want—an Editor’s 6-Step Guide to Making It Happen appeared first on Camille Styles.

At the start of every new year, I find myself stuck between two opposing approaches. On the one hand, I want a big lofty goal for the months ahead that I can dedicate all my focus to. And on the other, I just want to keep things simple—setting my sights on doing and being better. But this year, I decided to choose a word to guide me in my decision-making and growth across the board: courage. Why courage? Well, candidly, I felt like I lacked a bit of it in 2023. I spent more time second-guessing myself than going for it. And I let the noise in my head take over more than usual. Trust me: that’s not my go-to behavior.

With courage at the forefront, this also got me excited to explore more newness this year. For me, the novelty of trying something new always leads to a boost in serotonin, a spark of curiosity, and a newfound joy and appreciation for being a beginner. Plus, I always leave an experience seeing the world just a little differently. 

Featured image from our interview with Mary Ralph Bradley.

I hope that with a bit of courage, and by opening my heart and mind to new things, I will also inject more fun and play into my life. 

6 Ways I’m Embracing More Courage in 2024

When I thought of the why behind all that I want to invite into my life this year, I leaned into what I felt might be missing. This ensured that the experiences I chose to prioritize felt additive and exploratory. A few things that came to mind:

  • feeling more connected to my community
  • moving my body in a different way
  • disconnecting from my phone to reconnect with something else

But above all, I wanted to get out of the day-to-day rut I’ve been feeling. The only requirement? These had to be fun and solely for myself—not social media or anyone else. Here’s what trying new things in 2024 looks like for me.

Asking for What I Want

This is a hard one to admit, but I struggled here in 2023. And quite frankly, that shocked me. Last year I reverted to old people-pleasing behaviors and one whole year later, I have the clarity on how that both held me back and forced me into playing small. 

This year, I’m going for it. I’ve already started to. Asking for what I need in all aspects of life and putting myself out there for growth. I’m fully aware that may come with rejection, but I truly believe the consequences of not asking are far riskier than any rejection could ever be. 

Practice this in whatever way it aligns for you. It could be asking for a raise, pivoting careers, asking someone on a date, or declaring your needs proudly. Maybe it’s saying no to something or someone even if it’s hard, or saying yes to something even if you’re scared. I know you’ll be so thankful you did. 

Journaling new things to try 2024
Image by Jenn Rose Smith

Writing Poetry

I was struck by a post I saw on Instagram by a writer who said that at the beginning of 2023, they made it a practice to write a poem every day. It was a beautiful goal, and I immediately began researching how I could do the same myself. This is one new thing that I’ve already begun, and while I haven’t hit that daily cadence, I am averaging a poem every other day. It’s been a fun practice to share my thoughts in a completely new format. I’ve written everything from a short rhyme to a haiku, and am even exploring funny, lighter tones as well as the more melancholy and personal. It’s helped me see the world a little differently and expand my own vocabulary. 

I haven’t shared a poem with anyone yet, and I’m not sure that I will. I love that this is something that is just for me. At least for now. 

Pole Dancing

Ever since I saw Dita Von Teese’s burlesque show at the Paramount Theater in Austin last January, I have been so enamored by the feminine and sexy ways she and her troupe moved their bodies. What drew me to pole dancing is its difficulty—it’s a total core and upper body workout, much like aerial silks can be. But it’s also edgy, feminine, sexy, and for the most part (for my purposes), something done solo. 

I’ve told at least seven friends that I’m doing this and they all responded with the same Are you serious? Is this a joke? And then all seven of them promptly asked if they could join me. I think I’m onto something.

I’m inspired by women who aren’t afraid to connect with their bodies in new ways and who bravely lean into feeling sexy and feminine—even if just for themselves. 

Yoga new things to try in 2024.
Image by Riley Blanks Reed

Trying a New Workout Each Week in January

Speaking of being in a rut, my workout routine needs a complete refresh. While I love the workouts I’m currently doing—typically a morning walk around the lake and a bootcamp-style class, I realized my fear of failure is currently keeping me from exploring new forms of movement. But rather than staying stuck in that cycle, I’m springing out of it and making it my mission to move out of any funk or rut.

Plus, if I want to connect with the community in a new way after years of working remotely and feeling a bit stuck inside my place, this is the PERFECT way to be around people once again. 

I’m shifting from What if I hate it or embarrass myself? to What if I love it and find a new way to build strength?

Having Fun With Consignment Shopping

I would love to say that I won’t buy anything for a month or that I’m going to only shop my closet, but I know those sweeping declarations will likely set me up for failure. However, I truly want to shift my consumer behavior to being more responsible both financially and for the environment. My approach: default to second-hand shopping. Austin is home to some incredibly curated consignment shops (looking at you, MOSS), and rather than visit the five rotating websites I always search, I’m turning to some of my favorite consignment shops or friends’ closets.

Building a Vision Board

If you know Camille, you know she’s hosted vision board workshops and designed an at-home kit to build your own. I’ve been a naysayer for years wondering how images on a piece of paper could actually come to life, but after enough friends have preached the power of a board, I’m finally coming around.

There are a few specific things I want to happen this year that I’m acutely focused on. My true hope is that by shifting my outlook and putting positive energy into these intentions, that I can help bring them to fruition. I also feel like at this point, it certainly can’t hurt my chances. 

So, what’s on your list of new things to try in 2024? Is there anything you’re leaning into this year that you’ve never tried? I can’t wait to re-read this article in December and see what’s transpired. I’m excited just thinking about the possibility.

The post It’s Time to Go After What You Want—an Editor’s 6-Step Guide to Making It Happen appeared first on Camille Styles.

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Trader Joe’s Is a Hidden Haven of Wellness Finds—These Are Our Top Picks Thu, 11 Jan 2024 17:32:20 +0000 Prepare your shopping lists.

The post Trader Joe’s Is a Hidden Haven of Wellness Finds—These Are Our Top Picks appeared first on Camille Styles.

At the unlikely possibility that you don’t visit Trader Joe’s multiple times a week (like I proudly/shamefully/compulsively do), I’ll fill you in with some news: the popular retailer isn’t just a grocery store—nor is it simply a crucial part of your seasonal entertainment. It’s a treasure trove for all the best health and wellness products, too. Across all of our favorite food categories—snacks, bevvies, dairy and gluten alternatives, and immunity-boosting shots—Trader Joe’s delivers. And bonus: when you’re shopping on a budget, TJ’s should be your go-to.

It comes as a surprise to exactly no one that eating healthy and finding inflation-proof deals can be challenging. While you don’t always have to splurge on organic and there are other strategies for cutting healthy corners, I personally find that Trader Joe’s comes in clutch when I’m in need of groceries that support my wellness goals, come in under budget, and indulge my cravings for a snack or meal that’s consistently delicious without fail. (So, always.)

healthy trader joe's products
*Please enjoy my Christmas socks and leopard slides combo*

The Best Healthy Trader Joe’s Products

In the spirit of streamlining your Sunday shopping trip and helping you sift through Trader Joe’s many amazing products, I took it upon myself to do the good (and fun) work of sampling all of the best wellness-supporting picks. Below, you’ll find the result of my research—and all of my favorite healthy Trader Joe’s finds.

But before you get to it, I’ll admit… there’s a lot of cauliflower going on with the products below. Instead of writing off the gluten alternative as passé, take heart: we can always trust Trader Joe’s to be on top of food trends—and to make those that may seem out of date interesting again. I’ll get into the details below, but trust: each of the following products check my all-important boxes of being 1. tasty (re: addictive); 2. budget-friendly; and 3. supportive of all your 2024 wellness goals.

So get your shopping lists ready, these are my top healthy Trader Joe’s picks.

Note: All prices reflect pricing at my local Trader Joe’s in Chicago and may vary depending on location.

Trader Joe's Cauliflower Slims

Cauliflower Slims: $3.99

*Previously Cauliflower Thins* When it came to selecting a gluten-free wrap alternative, these won out against the also-popular Jicama Wraps. Nothing against jicama, of course, (we love it in our tacos, sliced thinly into matchsticks), but I was definitely swayed by the clearly-visible fluffiness of these “delicious and versatile” bread alternatives. Compared to other cauliflower/bread hybrids, these actually contain a significant amount of cauliflower—comprising over 60% of the ingredients.

Add to that only eggs, parm, cheese, salt, and yeast, and you have a clean option that’ll happily hold all of your favorite sandwich ingredients. And if you’re tempted to eat these on their own, you’re not alone—I’ve been known to tear into them between the hours of 3 and 4 p.m.

Trader Joe's Peppermint Herbal Tea

Peppermint Herbal Tea: $2.99

Spend a few minutes in the depths of wellness content on Instagram or TikTok and you’re bound to see any number of creators indulging in a warm mug of peppermint tea. Known to support digestion, relieve cold and flu symptoms, and provide a healthy dose of antioxidants, the soothing bevvy makes for a functional routine as well. I love a bag steeped for a few minutes on its own, but you’re welcome to drizzle in a little honey or add any sweetener of your choice. It’s my favorite post-dinner ritual.

Pineapple Probiotic Juice Shot

Pineapple Probiotic Juice Shot: $1.99

Would it be a roundup of the best healthy Trader Joe’s products if I didn’t include a juice shot? While $1.99 can seem pricey for a two-ounce bottle, this shot is proof that good things come in small packages. 2024 is all about quality over quantity, y’all—and this TJ’s fave packs plenty of wellness-boosting goodness. Each bottle contains the juice of 1/5 coconut, a wedge of pineapple, some lemon, and a slice of ginger. What’s more, the shot provides 1 billion CFU (colony forming units) of the probiotic strain Bacillus coagulans, which is known to aid in digestion.

Beyond technicalities, this juice shot tastes good. While others boast a flavor profile that’s turmeric- or ginger-dominant, the pineapple helps make this probiotic supplement a healthy habit you’ll look forward to.

Sparkling Elderberry + Pomegranate Apple Cider Vinegar Beverage

Sparkling Elderberry + Pomegranate Apple Cider Vinegar Beverage: $1.69

Admittedly, this is one of the few products of my healthy haul that I hadn’t tried before, but when I saw it sitting among the kombucha and juices, I knew I needed to pick it up. We’ve written before about apple cider vinegar being one of the best immunity boosters. And because I’m among (the many) who can’t handle a straight shot of ACV in the morning—or even enjoy it diluted with water—this incredible elderberry-pomegranate concoction comes as a delicious alternative. It’s one that I’ll happily sip on every day.

Creamy Cashew Cultured Yogurt Alternative

Creamy Cashew Cultured Yogurt Alternative: $4.99

Tell me if this resonates: I swap between smoothies and oatmeal for breakfast on a whim… after eating each for weeks straight. I’m not sure if it’s neurotic, but I can—and will—eat my oats for breakfast 15 days in a row. (Creatures of habit, raise your hands.) All that being said, I will happily swap in a yogurt bowl here and there. Because a fruit plus a grain plus a protein equals early-morning happiness. But because all hot girls deal with digestive issues from time to time, I also opt for dairy-free alternatives when I want to satiate a yogurt craving.

Trader Joe’s—once again—delivers. The ingredients list boasts plenty of gut-supporting live cultures and this yogurt manages to clock in four grams of protein. For the dairy-free among us, this is a solid choice.

Dark Chocolate Sunflower Seed Butter Cups

Dark Chocolate Sunflower Seed Butter Cups: $3.49

IYKYK—Trader Joe’s is my happy place when the inevitable sweets craving strikes. And while the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups are a go-to, this peanut-free pick is a must. Because I’m down to try anything (for *research*), these sunflower seed butter cups made their way into my cart. Spoiler: I’m grateful they did. They retain all the sweet-and-salty creaminess of their PB counterparts, and thanks to their snack-size packaging, just a few make the perfect anytime snack.

Chomps Sticks

Chomps Sticks: $1.99

The majority of what you’ll find at TJ’s is branded by the store itself. However, some third-party products have made their way through Trader Joe’s rigorous vetting process and been awarded with a spot on the shelves. Enter: Chomps. Everyone’s obsessed with this brand for making meat sticks cool again—and what’s more, we love that each non-GMO, sugar-free stick is all about the low-processed protein without any of the ick. (Otherwise said: fillers, gums, and harmful ingredients.) I love that I can reach for one of these whenever my energy dips or hunger strikes. Slip back the seal and you’re met with 10 grams of protein. I keep them in my car, purse, and next to my desk. Basically, anywhere and everywhere within reach.

Date Syrup

Date Syrup: $3.49

Speaking of products that are exactly and only what they say they are… dates might be my ultimate fave. And while I always pick up a box of Trader Joe’s delish Medjool dates for snacking, I also love this date syrup for topping just about everything. Pancakes, yogurt bowls, oatmeal—yes, everything. Other syrups can be packed with fillers and oils, but every tablespoon of this easy-to-squeeze vessel is pure, unadulterated organic date syrup. There’s not much more to be said.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera Juice: $10.99

Don’t be turned off by the price—this is a whole gallon of organic, whole-leaf aloe vera juice for just over $10. And while you might wonder why you need to add aloe to your already abundant hydration routine, the benefits will have you convinced. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can help boost digestion, stabilize blood sugar, and even improve oral health. This jug will last you a while too, as you want to be mindful to consume in moderation—studies have linked excess consumption to diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Freeze-Dried Blueberries

Freeze-Dried Blueberries: $3.99

As someone who loves her yogurt bowls and oatmeal (see my diatribe above), I’m always looking for ways to work a mix of textures into my go-to breakfasts. I’ve added flaxseed, chia seeds, bananas, and sliced almonds (all from Trader Joe’s, mind you). But now, with the addition of these freeze-dried blueberries, my perfect morning meal is complete. These are crunchy, fruity (of course), and taste exactly like blueberries. The reason being, they’re the only ingredient. No added sugars, no added anything. The five grams of fiber and six grams of protein per serving simply seal the deal.

Riced Cauliflower Bowl

Riced Cauliflower Bowl: $2.99

I couldn’t skip over Trader Joe’s well-known and much-talked-about prepared meals section. This (vegan) Riced Cauliflower Bowl comes with everything you need for a well-balanced and colorful lunch or dinner. Of course, cauliflower serves as the bowl’s base, but marinated chickpeas, sweet potatoes, baked tofu, and roasted onions join in to make it a complete and flavorful meal. But the real kicker? The tahini sauce. As I write this, I’m mentally confirming that this will be today’s lunch. The countdown to deliciousness starts now.

Creamy Cauliflower Jalapeño Dip

Creamy Cauliflower Jalapeño Dip: $3.79

I won’t lie—I’m not much of a dip girl. I can get down with hummus and I love a salsa-soaked summer. Dips, however, often just seem too gloppy and frankly—a bit gross. But because I consider myself an adventurous person (and I didn’t want my dip prejudice to compromise this article’s journalistic integrity), I went for the Creamy Cauliflower Jalapeño Dip. And friends, I was pleasantly shocked.

I’ll get a few disclaimers out of the way. You’ll taste the jalapeño, but this dip doesn’t deliver the pepper’s expected kick. And while I did miss that bit of heat, its lack made it easier to scoop up this dip with reckless abandon. What else helped? The fact that the cauliflower makes this dip both creamy and incredibly light. Whereas other dips might fill you up immediately (I’m looking at you, artichoke), this one satiates and satisfies without any bloat or discomfort. So for all you dip fans out there—myself now included—this is a must-buy.

73% Cacao Dark Chocolate Bar

73% Cacao Dark Chocolate Bar: $1.99

I will NEVER understand those people who say they can have “just a square” of dark chocolate post-meal and be satisfied. I’m a dessert girl, and as such, I need no less than a bowl of ice cream or a cookie in each hand to leave the table. But this dark chocolate bar? I can hang with it. Meaning: a fiber- and protein-packed dark chocolate is my jam, and I’ll reach for this whenever my mind drifts to the land of sweets but I’d rather not deal with the sugar crash. The taste is earthy, a little bit fruity, and deliciously bold. Keep it nearby at all times.

Healthy Trader Joe's products.

Honorable Mentions

I’d be remiss not to say that, among Trader Joe’s exclusive-to-the-store wellness products, there are a few additional healthy staples that I include in my cart on a weekly basis. While you can certainly find these elsewhere, if you’re already hitting up TJ’s, why not drop them in your cart as well? See below for my favorite healthy staples.

  • Frozen fruit. From blueberries to strawberries to mango and pineapple chunks—Trader Joe’s frozen foods section has everything you could ever want to blend up your dream smoothie. If you’re looking to get that additional hit of antioxidants from your brekkie, don’t skip this section.
  • Coconut oil. I surprise even myself with how quickly I can go through a jar of coconut oil. If you’re looking for an affordable cold-pressed option, Trader Joe’s has you covered.
  • Alternative pastas. Brown rice, lentil, and quinoa pasta—oh my! At Trader Joe’s, you’re welcome to dream beyond the expected gluten-laden pasta options.
  • Vitamins. While the packaging might not be as cute as some of the more expensive supplement brands, I’ve been taking Trader Joe’s Vitamin C Complex, Vitamin D, and their Omega-3 Fatty Acids supplements for years and my habits have been met with promising results. Of course, consult a medical professional before beginning any supplement program.
  • Nuts. Last but not least, the nuts. Almonds, cashews, walnuts, and more. The prices are unbeatable, and whether you like your nuts raw, roasted, or salted, there’s an option for you. Pro Tip: I store my nuts in the freezer to keep them from going rancid.

The post Trader Joe’s Is a Hidden Haven of Wellness Finds—These Are Our Top Picks appeared first on Camille Styles.

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