
In the Kitchen With :: Lisa Thiele

By Chanel Dror

One Pot Spaghetti | Lisa Thiele for Camille Styles

Over the holidays, Lisa of With Style and Grace shared her seriously incredible Gingersnap Shakes with us, and if you gave the recipe a try, you know as well as we do that this girl doesn’t mess around! We were itching to invite her back to share another of her culinary creations, and this One Pot Spaghetti recipe couldn’t have arrived at a better time. Simple, quick and delicious, it meets every criterion for a meal that’s perfect for new moms — and since Lisa’s got a growing bump of her own, you can bet it’s just as easy as it sounds. Take it away, Lisa…

Lisa here from With Style & Grace, a beautiful place where intimidation is taken out of healthy eating and gluten-free cooking.  I’m honored to be here today because it means miss Camille is home with her precious baby girl, who I can hardly wait to meet! 

One Pot Spaghetti | Lisa Thiele for Camille Styles

One Pot Spaghetti | Lisa Thiele for Camille Styles

I’m actually just a few months behind Camille, so when I was asked to share an easy recipe for new or busy families, it was a no brainer. It’s seems to be my new way of thinking these days. This is an easy and delicious meal that only requires ONE pot and depending on your dietary restrictions or preferences, you can play around with it – see ideas below: 

  • If you’re gluten-free, just swap out regular spaghetti for a gluten-free – I like Schar, quinoa blend or corn based from Trader Joes.
  • If you’re vegetarian, just skip on the meat and replace the chicken broth with vegetable and maybe add in mushrooms.
  • If you’re like my [meat eating] husband, double the meat or change it up, maybe it’s ground beef or chicken. All up to you!
  • If you really don’t like to cook or cooking for one, make a big batch and freeze the leftovers.
  • Also a great option to bring to a new mom & dad. I definitely wouldn’t mind a big pot of this.

One Pot Spaghetti | Lisa Thiele for Camille Styles

One Pot Spaghetti

*serves 4


  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 10 ounces lean ground turkey [or beef if preferred]
  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes – optional
  • 1 small sweet or yellow onion, chopped
  • 2 large garlic cloves, minced
  • salt + pepper
  • 14 ounces low sodium chicken broth
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 6 ounce can tomato paste
  • 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
  • 6 ounces spaghetti [gluten-free, whole wheat or regular], break in half
  • Parmesan cheese


  1. In a large saucepan, cook turkey, onions, red pepper flakes if using, garlic and season with salt & pepper. Cook until meat is practically cooked through and onions are tender.
  2. Add broth, water, tomato paste, Italian seasoning and pepper. Bring to a boil.
  3. Stir in broken spaghetti. Return to a boil and continue to stir to avoid pasta from sticking to the bottom. Taste test – add more salt if needed. Reduce heat slightly to a gentle boil for 17-20 minutes or until the spaghetti is tender. Stir frequently.
  4. Serve with Parmesan cheese and enjoy!

*all images by Lisa Thiele, For more easy and delicious [gluten-free] meals, check out With Style and Grace!

Comments (11)

  1. Supal {chevrons and éclairs} says:

    This is PERFECT for grad school {that I start in 2 weeks epps!}. I have to cook my own food and I’m not really big on have to do too many dishes when I have far too much studying to do. Thanks Lisa for the recipe!

  2. Samira says:

    this looks so yummy

  3. Katie says:

    Do you have any substitutes on how to make this a vegetarian dish?

  4. McKenna Ryan says:

    This looks delicious!! I am having a serious spaghetti craving right about now.

  5. Ashley @ Any Lovely Thing says:

    Oh goodness! This looks incredible. I’ve had a soft spot of pasta lately and wowzers, way to kick up the craving!


  6. Michele Westrick (lovely notes) says:

    A perfect and easy meal. For the big meat eaters (like my husband), bison is a leaner alternative. I also like to add red wine to my sauce sometimes. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Jennifer Schofield says:

    Thanks so much for this recipe!! The sauce alone is so much healthier than even the “healthy” jarred sauces, and tastes so much better!!!

  8. Krae says:

    Could you make this in a slow cooker ?

  9. Jerry says:

    Easy to make and great for the whole family. Even the kids will love it. Reminds me of school cafeteria spaghetti, in a good way.

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